Chapter 28

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Bri's POV

The new born freedom I've acquired this past week due to my new license and car has been amazing. It feels so good to be back on the road again. It's really different than how it was in the US but it was really easy to adjust.

I've been picking groceries up for Luke a lot this past week to make up for all the times that he had driven me places, plus I'm just so excited to be back on the road. Also, I have been spending a lot of time at Luke's apartment this week.

Actually, I haven't spent one night at my dorm this week. Every day so far, I've gone to my classes, then I go to my dorm to organize and look over my notes, and then I head over to Luke' apartment to spend the night with him. He's been asking me a lot lately to move in and I really want to, but I'm not sure we're ready for it.

It's only been three months since we've met, and two months since we started dating. Part of me feels like we are rushing things a bit too quickly but the other part of me doesn't want to slow down.

"Just think about it okay? Plus, your mom won't have to pay the dorm fees anymore," he said, trying to persuade me into moving in.

"Actually, she will. I'm not supposed to have a boyfriend and if she knew I moved in with him she'd flip on me," I said.

"Just tell her that you and Kristina moved in together," he suggested.

"I'll let you know, I mean I'm sure Kristina would rather me keep paying so she won't have to get another roommate..."

"Very true, see, you'd be doing Kristina a favor if you moved in," he smiled, scooting over on the couch so he was closer than before, practically on top of me. "Want to make me food?"

I smiled at his request before replying, "Is that why you want me to move in? So I could cook for you?"

"Yes," he said, playing along with my joke.

"Ha ha," I rolled my eyes but got up to make him something since I was quite hungry myself.

Sydney's POV

Ashton had left a few hours ago and just a few minutes after he had left, there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door to my apartment to come face to face with Aleisha.

"Long time no see," she greeted with a smile.

"It really has," I agreed, hugging her tightly.

I opened the door further so she could come inside and I followed her over to the couch.

"Why are you here?" I asked, trying not to sound rude. Aleisha and I used to be best friends, but we lost touch after her and Luke broke up. Plus, I'm not too fond of what she has done to sabotage his relationship with Bri.

"Well..." she began, "You know how Luke and Bri have been dating for a couple of months now?"

"Yeah..." I said, letting her continue.

"Well I know that he's been trying to get her to move in with him, since she's there like every day anyway-"

"I'm not sabotaging their relationship, I know we used to be extremely close, but Bri is a good friend of mine and so is Luke," I interrupted her.

"Oh, I'm not asking you to sabotage their relationship," she shook her head. "Actually, the exact opposite."

"What?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"Will you convince her to move in with him?" she asked, cutting to the point.

I really don't understand why she would want me to do that since she has been trying to get Luke and Bri as far away from each other as possible since they first started talking.

"So will you help me out?" Aleisha requested.

"Yeah, of course," I smiled. "I thought you didn't want Luke and Bri together though."

"Well I've come to realize that I can't stop it," she shrugged.

Aleisha's POV

"Well I've come to realize that I can't stop it," I shrugged. But I know someone else who can...

Sydney thinks she is helping me restore what I have broken, but in reality, she's helping me screw it up even more.

IMPORTANT: Really sorry that i haven't been as on top of updating as i promised, but i'm really trying to make the chapters better quality. ALSO, i've been getting messages asking why i hate Aleisha. I don't hate her, and I'm sure she would never do this in real life, but i needed a villan character who previously dated luke, so why not use his real ex girlfriend? Point is, i dont hate her, in fact, i think she's a very talented singer.

AND: if i made a trailer for this book, would you watch it?

AND: REALLY IMPORTANT: do you guys want sex scenes or should i keep this clean?

Please vote and comment :)

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