Chapter 29

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Bri’s POV

I walked into the pizzeria to pick up the pizza I had ordered about a half an hour ago. I was on my way to Sydney’s penthouse. Kristina and Cat were meeting us there too for a girls night in. I offered to pick up a pizza, Cat was bringing Starbucks, and Kristina was getting the donuts.

I gave my name to the man at the counter and moments later he handed me the hot box with my pizza inside. I put the pizza box in the passenger seat of my car and continued driving to Sydney’s.

When I got there, I put the pizza on the table and lucky for me, everyone was there already so I could dive into it before it got cold.

Within an hour, we had finished the pizza and a dozen donuts. Too stuffed to eat anymore, we went up to Sydney’s third floor, the lounge. I have been here maybe four or five times but not once had we gone up there.

She lit the electric fire place and we all cuddled up with the blankets on the large couch.

“This room looks like it would be a set for a romance movie,” Cat commented, clearly in awe. She was right, it was beautiful and with the fire lit, it created a warm and romantic feel.

“Should I be sitting on this couch?” Kristina said with a grimace jokingly.

“Shut up,” Sydney laughed, hitting Kristina in the head with a pillow.

“How is Ashton?” I asked.

“Really good,” she smiled shyly. “And Luke?”

“Really good,” I answered.

“You don’t sound like you mean it,” Cat raised an eyebrow at me.

“I do, but he’s asked me to move in with him like at least a hundred times now,” I explained.

“Don’t! I don’t want a new roommate,” Kristina yelled.

“Well I can’t let my mother find out about it, so I would continue to pay for the room. You wouldn’t get a new roommate, just the room to yourself,” I shook my head.

“Oh,” she said. “Then get the hell out.”

“Kristina’s right, well, for different reasons but I think you should,” Sydney said.

“Isn’t it too soon? We’ve only been dating for two months…” I argued.

“How long were you two friends before that?” Cat asked.

“A little less than a month,” I admitted.

“Oh,” she said softly.

“Do it. It couldn’t hurt, and since you aren’t giving up your dorm you can always move out if it doesn’t work,” Sydney reasoned.

“True,” I agreed. “I’ll think about it.”

Sydney’s POV

This is going to be harder than I thought, but if she doesn’t want to do it, then who am I to force her? Especially when I agree that it is a little soon to be moving in with him. However, a promise is a promise.

I dropped it for a little while, not wanting to start a fight or seem suspicious. We turned on a movie and every once in a while, I glanced over at Bri. She seemed deep in thought, as if she was having an internal battle with herself.


The next morning, we were the only two up, so I decided to bring it up.

“So do you think you’re going to do it?” I asked.

She looked down and sighed, “I want to, I’m just scared.”

“Of what?” I questioned.

“I don’t know,” she looked back up at me. “I just am, maybe I’m scared because I feel like I’m going to lose him.”

“Bri,” I frowned. I walked around to the other side of the counter and hugged her. “Listen to me when I say this, he loves you. I see it in the way he looks at you. I don’t think you’re going to lose him, like ever.”

She pulled away from the hug and wiped her eyes. “You really think so?”

“I know so,” I assured her. I tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear that was covering her face. “Listen to me. I don’t want to force you to do something that you don’t want to, do whatever your heart is telling you to do.”

She nodded and smiled, making me laugh.

“I think I’m going to do it,” she decided.

I just really hope this doesn’t backfire on me.

Bri’s POV

After I left Sydney’s, I went straight to Luke’s to tell him I finally made up my mind.

He left the door open, since I had told him I was on my way, and I found him lazily lying in bed with only sweatpants on.

“Hey sleepy head,” I greeted him.

“Hey babe,” he smiled.

I climbed into bed with him and he instantly put his arm around me, kissing my temple.

“What did you need to tell me?” he asked, eyes locking with mine.

“You know how you asked me to move in?” I asked, making sure the offer was still available.

“And the offer is still open,” he laughed.

“Yeah well, I think I’m going to,” I confessed. “I mean, if you‘re still looking for a roommate.”

“Of course,” he smiled widely.

I smiled back before leaning in for a kiss.

“Want to go pack your stuff now?” he offered.

“Right now?”

“Yeah, the sooner the better,” he stated.

I groaned, not wanting to get up, but I knew he was right. “Fine,” I stuck my tongue out at him.

Vote and comment, maybe doing a double update today!

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