The World Must Go On

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Chara was no stranger to death. Before climbing Mount Ebott, she had endured a harsh life of poverty with her family. Her original parents had been pathetic losers who sold illegal drugs to get by, but perhaps she should have been grateful. At least she had parents, and at least they hadn't abused her like some other horrible families out there. It wasn't the best life, but it wasn't the worst, either.

However, that had all been destined to change. One fateful day, Chara's parents were murdered right before her eyes, shot dead by a vengeful man with a perverted sense of justice. Chara narrowly escaped with her life. She could have run to the authorities, but instead, she decided that she was done living in the human world. She ran to Mount Ebott, the place where she could disappear forever.

Curiously, after taking her first family away, it seemed that fate had decided to show her mercy. When she fell inside the caverns under the mountain, she met Asriel, and she was soon taken in by Toriel and Asgore. Her new family had shown her more kindness than she thought was possible. She could have lived the rest of her days happy with them, but then she had to get that stupid plan in her head.

Dying was painful enough, but the thing that truly hurt was watching Asriel die. Her brother, her best friend forever, had died, killed by the humans she hated. Asriel's death had hurt far more than her own death ever could. As Asriel and Chara's combined soul shattered, Chara died filled with more pain and regret than she had ever felt. She died as she lived, a worthless failure.

Pain... that was how she became a demon, was it not?

And now, she was feeling that pain once again. Frisk was dead. Frisk, the one who had fixed the mess she had created. The one who had done everything he could to help her brother. The one who had saved her from death itself. The one who had stolen her heart; the one she had fallen in love with.

Chara had never thought she could love a human the way she loved Frisk. Father had called her the future of humans and monsters, but Chara felt the same way most monsters felt. If the monsters somehow broke free of the Underground, the humans would kill them. When she made Asriel go to her old village, she really did want to destroy them all.

Yet, against all odds, Frisk had helped restore a spark of hope for Chara. She knew that Frisk was just one person, but seeing the way he fought, fighting without fighting, it made her want to believe again. Frisk may have taken a pacifistic approach to things, but that never meant he was a pushover. He always strived to do what he believed was right, and he never gave up.

Words could not properly express how much Chara loved and admired him. Frisk was easily the greatest human – if not the greatest person – she had ever met. He was a treasure, a shining example of the best of humanity, living proof that humans could be as loving and compassionate as monsters.

That wasn't to say he was perfect, no one was. He wasn't above feeling angry or upset, but even when someone hurt him, his first response was never to write them off as a bad person. He always wanted to see the good in even the worst of people. That's what made him special, what set him apart from simply being 'nice.' He didn't just not kill his enemies; he wanted to understand them.

Unfortunately, Frisk couldn't always have his way. There were plenty of truly blackhearted people out there, people who would hurt others without any remorse, but Frisk always strived to be as empathetic as possible. Chara loved that about him so much. She loved him so much. She loved Frisk.

And this human, Elizabeth Malcom, had killed him.

Not only that, she had destroyed his soul. Frisk's red soul had shattered to pieces, and they had all disappeared. It wasn't going to magically repair itself like it did during his climatic battle with Asriel. It... it wasn't coming back. Frisk was...

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