Unsaved Progress

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"Are you sure? All unsaved progress will be lost."


Beep... beep... beep...

Frisk held Chara's hand as she slept in the hospital bed. Everything was silent except for the steady beat of the heart monitor.

Chara... please be okay.

She had been asleep for a week. The doctors had no idea what the cause was. For unknown reasons, Chara had fallen into a coma, and many hoped she would never wake up.

But Frisk knew why. It must have had something to do with her SOUL, and the memories it contained. He could only assume that Chara had was nearing the end of Felicia's life. She was once again suffering the pain of a slow, agonizing death. It was heartbreaking to see her like this.

What will happen when it ends? When Felicia dies, will Chara...?

No, no! What a terrible thought! She was going to be fine! He just had to be patient. Chara would get through this, no problem.

Beep... beep...

Frisk kissed her forehead. "I miss you, Chara," he whispered, "but I believe in you. You can get through this. Just stay determined. I know that's what they said last time; I know it sounds like an empty promise. I wish I could do more than beg for you to wake up. If I could, I would take your place in a heartbeat. I love you."

Beep... beep...

Just as he turned to leave, the nurse opened the door. "Excuse me, someone else is here to see the patient."

Frisk wondered who it was. Probably not Asriel; he was just here. Maybe it was Asgore. After he discovered Chara unconscious, he had spent quite some time in the hospital himself. The whole thing was all too familiar for him. It also could have been Toriel, who came in as often as Frisk did, or maybe it was one of her friends. Maybe Undyne? Alphys? Napstablook?

No, it was...


She slowly entered the room. "Umm..."

Frisk instinctively shielded Chara from her. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm... just here to see Chara," she said. "That's all."

"Is it? How do I know you won't try to hurt her again?"

"You don't. You'll just have to trust me."

Frisk hesitated. Chara had been trying so hard to make friends with her, but Elodie didn't seem to care. Ever since Malcom released those tapes, Chara and Frisk had to hear the same grievances over and over; people just wouldn't let it go. They demanded 'justice,' and Elodie had taken it into her own hands. Could Frisk really believe she had a change of heart?

He stepped aside, but he watched closely.

Elodie looked down at Chara, and she folded her arms. "What's the matter, Chara? Giving up already? I didn't think you were a quitter. I guess the truth is, you were the worthless crybaby all along."

Oh, I can see this is going to be real constructive.

"Whatever happened to saving Asriel?" she asked. "How can you help him when you're asleep? You're useless."

Beep... beep...

"Hey, Chara, did you know that your name sounds like the word for 'shit' in Hebrew? I find that very fitting."

Did she want another punch in the face?!

"Oh, come on," she growled. "Wake up already."

Beep... beep...

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