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At last, they reached Alphys's lab. Frisk knocked on the door.

Alphys answered. "H-hi everyone!" She saw Asriel. "So... you're Asriel?"

"...Yeah," Asriel answered.

"...I'm sorry," Alphys apologized. "I u-understand if you hate me. Just like the amalgamates, I did something horrible to you."

Asriel smiled. "What are you talking about? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be alive at all!"

"B-but... you don't have a SOUL? Isn't that... unpleasant?"

"Pfft. Who needs feelings? I'm doing just fine!"

It was obvious that Asriel was putting on a cheerful mask for Alphys's sake. Frisk felt grateful for him, but he also felt sorry for him.

"W-well, I'll do whatever I can to fix this!" Alphys exclaimed. "I made you this way, so it's my responsibility to bring you back to normal!"

"N-no! Asriel's MY responsibility!" Chara cut in.

"I-I'm sorry, who are you?" Alphys asked. "Wait... are you...?"

"Yes," Frisk answered. "It's Chara."

"Y-you didn't tell me THAT! W-well, I guess Undyne didn't really give you a chance, heh."

"You guys talking about me?!" Undyne ran up to them.

"H-hey Undyne!" Alphys said. "Look, there's Asriel!"

Undyne grinned when she saw him. "AW! Look at him! He's so cute in that widdle flower!"

"A-and you won't believe this, but Frisk already saved Chara! Look!"

"WHAT?!" Undyne yelled. "Frisk...! You've already done most of our job before we even started!"

Frisk gave her an embarrassed smile. "Yeah... sorry about that!"

"Yeah, Sans!" Papyrus said. "Isn't nice to get work done early? You should learn from Frisk's example!"

"Nah," Sans replied. "I'll take after Undyne in this case."

"HEY! I'm not lazy, punk!" Undyne insisted. "Alphys and I were... very busy... with stuff! YEAH!"

"...We were watching anime," Alphys admitted.

"While smooching!" Undyne proudly declared, turning Alphys red.

Undyne looked at Chara. "ANYWAY... Hey, Chara! I'm Undyne!" Undyne reached out a hand to Chara. Chara smiled, and her eyes sparkled as she shook Undyne's hand. Chara looked like she was meeting a rock star.

"H-hey, Undyne!" Chara exclaimed. "It's so great to finally meet you! You're... you're really cool!"

Even though Undyne didn't care about being popular, Frisk could tell that she enjoyed Chara's praise. "YEAH! Damn right I'm cool! You must have been there when I tried to kill Frisk...! Uh... sorry about that."

Chara kept smiling. "It's okay! I don't blame you! You were just trying to free the monsters! I understand!"

Undyne leaned into Frisk and whispered. "Hey... do they know about... you know... the whole poison thing?"

"Only Toriel," Frisk whispered back.

"Uh... Yeah!" Undyne replied to Chara. "You're... very forgiving, just like Frisk! Thank you!"

Chara's smile faded a bit. "Yeah... just like Frisk..."

"W-well, why don't you all come inside?" Alphys offered. "Everyone's waiting for us!"

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