The Embassy

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Frisk was preparing for another day at the Monster Embassy. Asgore had just arrived to drive Frisk there. Once Frisk was ready, he headed outside.

Frisk smiled when he saw Asgore. "Hi, Dad!"

Asgore smiled back. "Good morning, Frisk!"

As they headed to Asgore's car, Toriel waved goodbye to Frisk. "Have a good day, my child! Come back safe!"

Asgore nervously smiled and waved to Toriel.

Toriel frowned and folded her arms. "Mr. Dreemurr."

Silently, Asgore let Frisk into his car and drove away.

...I hate seeing them like that, Chara thought quietly. It's the exact opposite of how they used to be. Chara laughed inside Frisk's head. Ah... Asriel and I used to get so embarrassed around them. If I only I knew that I would miss it one day.

I wish they would get back together too, Frisk replied.

"So... are you ready for work, Frisk?" Asgore asked, probably masking sorrow.

"Yes, Dad. I'm old enough to represent the entire Kingdom of Monsters in critical negotiations with the Human Government, but I'm not old enough to get a driver's license."

Child labor: Asgore Dreemurr! Chara commented.

Asgore laughed. "Yeah, sorry about that! But you're much more mature than many adults I know!"

Not a normal kid, as Sans put it, Frisk thought.

They reached the embassy. Asgore parked, and they headed inside. Frisk felt a little uneasy as they entered.

"Are you ready for this?" Asgore asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Frisk answered.

Frisk wasn't usually nervous, but it was a particularly important day. That day, they were about to hold a debate concerning humanity's greatest fear: the monsters' ability to absorb human SOULs. The President of the Human Government himself was going to be there, President Jacob Malcom. Malcom had been President for all of Frisk's life (There was no term limit in the Human Government.) For the most part, Frisk found Malcolm to be a fair and just leader, except on one certain issue: Malcom was a huge supporter of the Mount Ebott barrier. He was one of the biggest reasons why the barrier had taken so long to fall. Another interesting fact about Malcom was that before Asriel was reincarnated as Flowey, Malcom used to be the World Master, and once Frisk's determination was fully developed, he became third in line. Frisk hoped that Malcom had no hard feelings about that... or about how he had helped destroy the barrier...

Yeah... Malcom probably hated Frisk's guts.

Frisk and Asgore made their way to the embassy's largest auditorium, where a massive crowd of both humans and monsters had gathered. Frisk spotted a few of his friends in the crowd. Undyne, RG01, and RG02 approached them. Most of the Royal Guard had disbanded once Asgore canceled his plans to attack humanity, but a few still remained as Asgore's bodyguards.

"We're ready to serve, sire," Undyne said.

"As always, I hope you won't need to," Asgore replied.

Frisk smiled. "Great to see you, Undyne!"

Undyne smiled back. "We're all counting on you, Frisk!"

The crowd went silent; the President had arrived. The President, Frisk, and Asgore went to their podiums on the stage. Frisk braced himself for what could have quite possibly been his important debate yet.

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