Pain Teaches

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"Chara. You haven't learned a thing. Hee hee hee."



Frisk, Chara, and Asriel were walking at a steady pace. In true military spook fashion, Miller had left to observe them from a distance.

Chara grew anxious. "How much time do we have?"

Frisk checked the time. 8:42 AM. Endogeny had killed the human at around 10:30 AM. The attack probably hadn't started long before that, but he didn't know how long Endogeny had been outside. "We should have at least an hour and a half until the attack starts," Frisk said.

That wasn't enough time to put Chara at ease. "...Well, I suppose if the worst happens, you can just RESET again."

"I hope I don't need to," Frisk replied.

Chara nodded. "We should hurry."


They picked up the pace, but not so much that they drew attention to themselves. They didn't want to cause panic. Seeing the World Master in distress tended to make people nervous, and part of Frisk still clung to his hope that no one would ever need to remember Endogeny's... episode, even though he knew that Malcom was going to rant about it the first chance he got.

They turned onto Snowdin Road, where most of the dogs lived. Frisk happened to know that the Dogi lived somewhere in there, but he didn't know their exact address. Fortunately, he knew someone who did. Frisk took out his phone and dialed Undyne's number.

"Hey, Frisk! What's up?"

"Undyne, umm... I need to see Dogamy and Dogaressa. Like, now."

"Uh... okay. Not sure what the rush is, but I'll let them know you're coming."

"Thanks, Undyne."

Undyne gave Frisk their address. "But, why do you need to see them so badly?"

"...Sorry, I'd rather not say, but it's very important."

"...They're the ones taking care of Endogeny, right? Is that what this is about?"

Frisk froze. Lucky guess? Or...?

"Alphys still feels really bad about the amalgamates." Undyne's usual fiery personality turned solemn. "I don't think a day goes by where she doesn't think of them."

Frisk's breathing grew unsteady. If Alphys found out about this...

Undyne laughed it off. "Sorry, Frisk! I didn't mean to get all mopey on you!"

Frisk laughed back. "Oh, that's alright! See you later, Undyne."

"Later, punk!" Undyne hung up.

Frisk sighed and headed for the Dogi residence. They walked by a row of townhomes until they found the address Undyne had given them. Frisk knocked on the door. Dogamy opened it, with Dogaressa right beside him. Frisk hadn't noticed before, but both of their black jackets had a picture of their spouse's face on it. Frisk found it both kind of cute and kind of weird.

Chara groaned. "These two are even worse than our parents were," she whispered to Asriel.

"Ugh, I know," he whispered back.

"Good day, Frisk!" Dogamy greeted.

"I don't believe we've met your friends," Dogaressa said.

"Oh, aren't they Asriel and Chara?" Dogamy asked. "The Dreemurrs' children?"

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