Get Out of My Head

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"Why do I always get the freaks?"



As ordered, Nora and Nate reported to Jacob's office. He sat in his chair, starring daggers into them. They better have had a damn good explanation for yesterday.

"Nora, what the hell happened?" Jacob demanded.

"Nothing of consequence," Nora claimed. "They tried to get information out of me, but I didn't tell them a thing! I'd never!"

"It's true!" Nate exclaimed. "I was there! She didn't tell them anything!"

"And what were you doing?" Jacob inquired. "Maybe I can believe that demon and the flower got the better of Nora by herself, but with you backing her up? I don't think so."

He put his hands up. "Hey, I'm supposed to protect them, not kill them."

Jacob rolled his eyes. Nate knew perfectly well that wasn't his job. Frisk wasn't an ally to protect; he was an enemy to keep an eye on. Not that Nate was to be trusted anymore.

"How did they even detect Nora?" Jacob questioned.

Nate had no response. That was as good a confession as any. Jacob folded his arms. "Nora, what information did they try to get out of you?"

"They were trying to incriminate you," Nora said. "They believe you were involved in Boaris's act of terror, and they wanted me to leak evidence."

That seemed plausible enough, not that Nora had any hard evidence to incriminate him with. Still, something told Jacob there was more to it. "Why did they give up so easily? Seems like a lot of work to take you down and leave empty-handed."

She laughed nervously. "Uh, well... I guess, umm..."

Jacob knew it. He had no idea how it happened, but Nora had turned against him too. She was working with them now, wasn't she? He thought Nora understood what had to be done. He thought she would help him obliterate monsterkind, but she had gone soft. He couldn't stand to look at her another second. He jumped out of his seat and shot his finger towards the door. "Get the hell out of my office!"

She whimpered. "J-Jacob?"

"I said get out!"

She shook her head. "Jacob, I know this looks bad, but I swear I'm still on your –"

"Get out, or I'll have security throw you out!"

With a dejected look on her face, Nora began to slink her way out of the office. Nate just stood there, looking stupid.

"You too, Nate."



Nate grimaced. "Screw it." He ran to Nora and grabbed her arm, pulling her back to the desk.

Nora blinked. "Nate? What are you doing?"

Nate stared at Jacob with a gravely serious expression. "Jacob, listen! I don't care if you don't believe me, but Chara showed us something incredible. You asked us to find out where her new soul came from. Well, we did. We know exactly whose soul it is."

Jacob paused. They really found out? Well, why didn't they say so? Perhaps they could redeem themselves after all. "Who? Who is the poor soul trapped within the demon?"

"Jacob... it's Felicia. Chara has your sister's soul."

... Felicia? No, that was impossible. Felicia was dead and gone. They were just making it up, a ridiculous, desperate excuse to cover up their betrayal, a sick one at that.

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