I find my brother out at the barn brushing chance. "Hey Jonathan" I say. "Hey clary" he says. I grab a brush from the bucket. And brush chances other side.

"Hey I have something to tell you, it's about Alice" I tell him. He stops brushing Chance and looks at me. "What's wrong" he asks. "We are having a dinner thing tonight" I start. "What does the dinner have to do with Alice" he asks. "You won't like this, but I need her to work tonight. I'm not sure how long it will take but I need her to work tonight. It could be pretty late by the time it's ended" I say. "No, absolutely not" he says. "Jonathan," I say. "No, she can't work tonight. If I won't be there to watch over her, I don't want her working" he says. "Jace and I will be there. There will be guards too. Plus Magnus, Alec and Isabelle will be there" I tell him. "I still don't want her there where I can't see her. She was taken during the day, it's a stretch for me just letting her work during he day" he says. "We will watch over her for you. When the dinner is over I will send her to your room" I tell him. "Okay fine, but if anything happens to her I'm blaming you" he says. "Okay" I say.

I go back inside and look for Alice. I find her in the library looking through one of the books. "I talked to Jonathan. It took some persuading but he is going to let you work tonight. Although he did tell me if something happened to you he would blame it all on me. But anyway as long as you are safe and I can see you from time to time you can work tonight. I also told him after all the guests leave you would go to his room so he doesn't get all mad at me" I tell her. She nods. "I was going to go there anyway after I get off work. Thanks for convincing him to let me work tonight. I better go. I have to go get things ready for tonight. I have a great idea for tonight's dinner. I will handle things" she tells me getting excited. "Thank you Alice. How about for events like this I make you our head event coordinator. I mean you kind of already are, but now you have a title. I'm still going to need you to help serve the food. I would use Grant but he's down in the silent city" I tell her. "I'd be happy to" she says smiling.

She sits on one of the love seats. She pats the cushion beside her. I sit beside her. "Can I tell you something? About Jonathan" she asks. I nod. "I think I love him. I don't know if he loves me. I mean he's been so good to me. I never thought he would even like me when I am ranked so much lower than he is here. I love your brother" she says and smiles. I smile. "I'm glad. He needs someone like you. He needs a girl like you that will look past the whole Sebastian thing that happened years ago, someone who will see the real him. I don't think you will ever break his heart but I wouldn't if I were you. I tried warning Grant not to come after you but he didn't listen" I tell her. "I won't. I would never. I love him. I want to do more for him but I don't know what" she says. "I don't think you need to worry about doing anything for him. Just spend time with him. He will be happy just with that. I've seen how happy he is with you" I tell her. "I guess you're right" she says.

I look down at the book in her lap. "What's that" I ask. "I can't decide which language I want to learn. I know shadowhunters usually know at least two languages" she says. "I just know English and French. I had to learn French in high school. Me and Simon couldn't get it and neither Alec, izzy, Maryse, Luke, or Mom wouldn't help us. It was frustrating. My teacher just assumed we all knew French. Luckily Jace helped the two of us. He was a life saver for us. If it weren't for him we would have failed that class" I tell her. "I took a Spanish class in high school. I remember none of it though. I want to learn something else. I just don't know what" she says. "You still have time Alice. Spanish would be a good language to learn. And you can learn another one for fun if you want to. I really want to learn Italian. Hey, we can learn that together if you want" I tell her. "I'll think about it. Thanks Clary" she thanks. She realizes she called me by my first name and looks shocked. "I-I'm sorry" she says and puts her head down. "It's alright Alice. It's alright for you to call me by my name when we are alone. I don't mind" I tell her. She smiles up at me. "Alright" she says.

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