'Cuz We're Together Forever

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영원히 함께니까

"Hey, hubby, how much more time do we have?"

Taehyung and Jungkook were now working on two different sides of a room. After finding nothing in the library, they decided to ask around in prison, it was easy accessible information that the lair of the person behind this was just a few blocks away from the Hell Gate, hidden behind a bar, in an alleyway.

Jungkook glanced at the clock, a little panic rising seeing there wasn't much time.

"The effects of my Trance dies down within fifteen. So, all we have is ten minutes."

At the information, Taehyung slammed his hands down on the desk in frustration, whining lowly.

"We haven't found anything!"

Ruffling through the piles of paper beneath the other table, Jungkook spoke in a soft voice to calm the other down.

"It's okay, TaeTae, we might be able to find something. Let's keep looking."

The two had formulated a plan to put the bar owner -- who had the access to the hideout -- in a Trance, using Jungkook's ability, as he was locked in the next room. Trance was like the effect of a truth serum mixed with the effect of alcohol -- unable to distinguish what is what as they answered what was asked with honesty. It was an odd ability for an Angel as it seems to be more of an ability with the potential to be used for evil than good, but it came helpful to use with their jobs, keeping other creatures from telling lies or fishing out someone specific on Earth.

"We aren't even allowed to use our ability beyond our jobs, though! This was so risky..."

Jungkook sighed, stepping back to look at Taehyung, who had already given up with a frown.

"Who're they gonna tell on? And what will they even say? They'll be telling on themselves when they go to complain about it. And, besides, we're doing this as a job, to protect someone as an angel. If we were a part of HHAC, this would be fine. I'll just join today."

The simple-minded solution from Jungkook's side deepened Taehyung's frown.

"But, we have to figure out a better way to find something than blindly looking."

Taehyung had a point. They weren't going to find anything in a day if they were doing it like this let alone ten minutes.

After a minute of thinking, Taehyung thought of something.

"Why don't we try looking in places that would purposely be hidden? Just in case someone found this place, like us?"

"Ah! Right, what's a place where you can hide something in here? There's nothing but two desks and piles of random papers with meaningless info."

Remembering a movie the two watched when they last visited, Taehyung grinned, eyes lighting up.

"Check the walls and floorboard."

With that, Taehyung went into action, looking closer at each corner of a wall while Jungkook spluttered.

"What? But, that's only in the movies--"

"Better try what we can in the time we have."

That said, both of them started searching, Jungkook feeling up the floors and Taehyung the walls.

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