The Evidence of My Destiny

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Please read the --- chapter that comes before this,
and read this chapter only after you have read that one.
They are very important, so please try to not miss them next time if you did this time.

내게 주어진 운명의 증거

On the way home from the dance studio, Juseon was reading comments on his book, reviews from fans yet again.

He never got tired of them, even if they were not always praises, he liked knowing what the people thought, so he loved reading them on and on.

There was a constant curve of his lips upwards when he read these comments — sometimes dropping a little at a nasty one — but instantly brought up when seeing another nice one.

Today, he'd been reading on a site he hadn't checked out before, so there were lots of ones he hadn't seen yet.

Happily surfing the internet, reading comments, he couldn't help but wonder to himself if he actually was going to write another book. He greatly enjoyed this one, and the response really made him happy, so the idea wasn't too far-fetched.

Shrugging, he just left it to fate to decide when to hit him up with an idea or an interesting like experience in the future; there wasn't anything at the moment, so he couldn't really write much.

As he read more and more comments, he came across ones that he couldn't help but ponder about.


fakeloveismyjam - I know it sounds weird, but I can't help but feel - when I read Chimmy's TAKD that he's actually experienced it all for realzies, you know? I don't know if it's just because he's a really phenomenal writer, but the words seem to hold something beyond fiction. Maybe I'm just crazy.

               dnaisstillmybtch - I know what you
               mean! I felt the exact same way,
              and I thought I was just imagining
              things, I'm so glad there's someone
              else who feels the same way

ilovetacos - conspiracay theory time! this author has died and come back to life and wrote about his experiences! or he's just really got good empathatic skills and vividly imagined that and practically lived in his imagination

               sunsun - lmao so you're saying
               demons are that lovely irl???
               i don't believe it


The words provoked lots of thoughts into Juseon's mind, and he couldn't help but feel like they contained a bit of truth — but there was no way, right? It was just fans being fans, theorizing amongst themselves.

And, besides, Juseon knew himself, he knew what he went through, and for sure didn't remember all of that.

But, he couldn't help but agree to the fact that he felt as though he was vividly recalling memories, rather than just imagining them up in his dreams and mind.

The last page turned, eyes scanning the last line. Another page turned, blank.

Seowon blinked.

It's... finished?

He couldn't believe it. He'd finished reading the book so fast. It'd just been a week since he'd started, not getting farther than around fifteen pages in the first few days. But, then, he'd read with so much immersion, not even realizing once that he was late to work until called in by his secretary.

Closing the book, he looked at the outer cover, turning it over to look all around it. He let the whole thing sink in and sunk deeper into his office chair.

That was... unreal — what was that?

Baffled beyond imagination, Seowon was at a loss for words.

This book... who the hell wrote this? he asked himself, eyes wide in surprise, recalling all the scenes in the novel.

It all felt so familiar and close to his heart, but he'd never had real friends, nor people he'd tell about his dreams to - so who the fuck was this writer?

Letting out a deep breath — which he seemed to be doing a lot lately — Seowon decided, that one day, he's definitely gotta meet up with this author, that kid wasn't going to escape from his grasp so easily, no way.

Remembering the words from the book for a second, Seowon flushed. They were so intricate, so detailed - and so familiar.

He hated how it made him feel; tingles and butterflies.

It was like the person who wrote this experienced the same thing he did. He wasn't entirely sure because he never really kept a log of his dreams, but they seemed so damn similar, almost like the author looked into Seowon's head and took notes to write the book.

More or less, he felt a little creeped out, but for the most part, intrigued and definitely suspicious.

What the hell was going on?

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