'Cuz We're The Ones Who Found Destiny

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운명을 찾아낸 둘이니까

Hoseok let out a large breath, pursing his lips as he opened the big doors.

Shoving the keys in his pockets, he grabbed the clipboard next to the door and started work.

Walking past the cells, he checked each prisoner, looking at the clipboard holding the list and pictures and information of all the ones in that hallway.

Looking around, Hoseok always felt a little creeped out - these were angels and demons who committed a crime - something that caused a disruption in the peace of others - even after death as a human.

Once he got to the end of the hall, he noticed an empty cell.

With furrowed brows, he checked the paper.

Picture: [empty]
Name: Dong Eunji

Hoseok raised his eyebrows as he thought into it, the name sounded a little familiar, but he's met a lot of Eunji's so he didn't think that much into it.

Shrugging it off, he supposed this guy hadn't done something too bad, so he walked back, not looking at any of the prisoners, not wanting to be more creeped out than he already was. He was glad he didn't see the creepy prisoner from last time, happy he was gone like some other prisoners.

Setting the clipboard back where he picked it up, he left the room, locking the doors and walking away.

Sometimes, he wondered why he chose to work at the Authority Palace.

"Namjoon hyung!"

Jungkook called out, peering into the main hall, hoping he wasn't causing too much of a disturbance.

"Yeah? Come in."

Nodding, Jungkook entered the room, carefully to make sure he wasn't being too loud to disturb the other members of the Authorities.

Namjoon smiled at him, facing away from his desk and towards Jungkook.

"Yeah, what's up?"

Jungkook remembered why he was here, and gulped. There had been something weird going around in Korea on earth lately.

"Well, I heard there was a death on earth recently."

Not seeing how this would particularly be odd, Namjoon pressed on.


"And, I looked into why people thought it was odd, found those who visited out to Earth. And, it turns out, no one has found the deads' souls yet."

Raising an eyebrow, Namjoon nodded along. Now, this was odd. Usually after a major death - that made it to a lot of people's ears, the souls would be found right away in a day or two after they materialized.

"Anything else about it?"

Jungkook bit his lip. And, he slowly nodded.

"I'm not sure if this is connected, but..."

"Keep going."

Taking a deep breath, Jungkook told him what Taehyung said earlier.

"Taehyung came in from Earth earlier. And, he said he heard about the death of two people on the news - it seemed they were big enough to be on the news for days. But, he saw it around the time they died. And, he said..."

Nodding encouraging, Namjoon hummed lowly, thinking as he listened.

"He said the two looked very much like Yoongi and Jimin."


This wasn't what Namjoon was expecting. His eyes widened, leaning a little forward in hopes of hearing better. Surely there was no way, right?

"Come again?"

"He said the ones on the news looked exactly like Yoongi and Jimin - said he might've been imagining things since he probably misses them, but hearing these other words about not finding their souls - what if-?"

"What if it is them?"

Thinking deeper, Namjoon leaned back on his chair. This caused problems - ones he didn't want to think about how to deal with.

"There's nothing that proves this, yeah? It's just a small possibility?"

"Yeah. I wanted to tell you just in case it turned out to be something weird."

Nodding at him appreciatively, Namjoon offered a smile.

"Thanks. Isn't it your day off today? Head out with Taehyung again, I'll look into it."


Diligently, Jungkook left, hoping this would lead to some solution if it did have a problem.

Namjoon breathed out loudly, rubbing his temples, a little tired already.

If they did end up looking like the original Yoongi and Jimin, and they've disappeared from the death site, what had happened?

Slumping down on his chair, Namjoon thought back, tried to recall what happened years ago. He remembered the main details.

They'd passed on. And, no other angel or demon had had that happen to them before that in records.

Maybe that was it?

Just then, Jungkook came barging in again, like all those years ago, panting at the threshold, eyes wide open.


Everyone's attention in the room went to him.

"The unused gates from Earth to Afterlife are opening--!"

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