Don't Regret It, Baby

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후회하지 말아 baby

"Hyu---ng, come o--n~"

Jimin whined, sprawled on their bed, looking at Yoongi upside down with his head lolling off the bead.

Hearing the word, Yoongi flushed again, taking off his socks and throwing them in a laundry basket.

"Can't you be patient?"

Pouting, Jimin watched as Yoongi approached, then grinned widely when they were no more than a few centimeters apart, Yoongi's face upside down and right in front of his.

"Kiss me, hyung."

Yoongi's ears went red as he pursed his lips, gently holding Jimin's face before he presses forward in a hard kiss.

Squeaking in surprise, Jimin then lets out a delighted giggle before kissing back with the same intensity.

It lasted a few more seconds before the position got uncomfortable. Yoongi walked around to drop his body on top of Jimin's, making the other barely let out a yelp before Yoongi attacked his lips again.

Pinning his hands down on the bed, Yoongi pressed his hips down, relishing the sounds elicited from the one beneath him.

When they parted, gasps filled the air, eyes dazed and lips glistening.

Jimin grinned, face flushed as he licked his lips, throwing Yoongi a challenging look.

"'s that all you can do, hyung?"

"Here's the report, Seokjin-nim."

"Ah, thank you. Leave it there. You can take time off, thank you for your hard work."

"Thank you. I'll take my leave, then."

"Rest well~"

Seokjin went back to his paperwork, the other tip of the pen on the edge of his lips as he read.

"You're very caring, Seokjin-nim."

The Authority next to him, Yoonha commented, sipping his drink as he glanced over.

"Am I? I know how tiring it gets, so I know it's nice to hear those words in a while for them."

Yoonha let out a chuckle before looking back down at his work as well.

"That's what caring is."

The conversation didn't go any further. It was always like this, hushed chatter between neighboring Authorities, but not actually going anywhere. They didn't get to go out for fun, so they had to fill that gap with the mindless and pointless conversations.

"Hey, you heard something about that guy who got out of prison?"

Seokjin overhead, but didn't say anything. It wasn't towards him. It was towards Yoonha.

"Yeah, that kid's always causing trouble. I'll deal with him when I finish these reports of the crime over from five regions North in Heaven, that area has a lot of trouble recently. What's going on with your side of the world, Honey?"

Yoonha was the Authority of Crime, the one associated with the HHACE whereas Honey was the Authority of Housing and Architecture, she helped design the houses and different organization of space in the Post-Death world.

"Nothing much on mine. Same as ever. But, about that guy who escaped, heard he's building some sort of a group, so even when he's captured, they can do the work for him."

"Hmm, I see. Well, I doubt he'll get far. That boy's got a really unapproachable aura, and most people around already know his infamous face. We just gotta get him fast enough."

The converstaion midway had caught Seokjin's attention, though he continued the work without pausing, he noted the information in his mind.

"Seokjin, there's something I have to talk to you about, can you step out for a bit?"

Namjoon's voice made Jin look up, setting down his pen before he stood.

Honey laughed as she watched them go, flashing them a sweet smile before going back to work. It was hard working like this, they all knew. Seokjin and Namoon were lucky to have gotten each other before joining the Authorities.

"What happened?"

Namjoon pulled out some papers from a file at the question, flipping over a few pages to show Seokjin.

"It's about powers. Maybe Hoseok's getting targeted because of this?"

Looking at what Namjoon's pointing at, Seokjin raised his eyebrows at the information.

In the topic of powers of Angels...

    ...From the survey and study done by Valerie Ivanov, it is now a fact that those who had been humans with the bloodline of a post-death creature in their life pre-death, all acquire the Angel Ability of light and warmth. Those who think they are not among the bloodline simply did not realize they had it. Only alternative generations as humans have the ability to view us, however as souls, we all have the same history.

"Possibly. I had no idea that was a thing. I also overheard that the prison-escapee might be up to this. He's loose, in the palace as well, most likely. What's our next plan?"

"Don't act rashly yet. We have to gather everyone, collect every information first. We can't act without thinking."

Seokjin nodded, thoughts running in the speed of light in his head, worry for his friend clouding his mind.

But, then a kiss on the cheek interrupted his train of thought, Namjoon smiling at him softly.

"But, now that we're out here already, how about we get food? Let's get seafood?"

Warmth filling his heart, he grasped Namjoon's hand in his and headed towards the mess hall.

"But, you don't like seafood."

"Yeah, but you like it."

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