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not a coincidence

Rule No. 7

Anything that violates the rules in the rulebook will be considered as crime.

(From The Rules of The Above, Under, and Inbetween)

Rule No. 5

Anything that violates the rules in the rulebook will be considered as crime. Some situations may be considered. Honesty is encouraged.

(From The Great Rule Book; Edition 2)


The word mixed with his breath, hitting the sensitive of my neck, making me fall into the depths of endless delirium.

With the last utters I had left while at ephemeral bliss, I whispered back into his lips.


(Excerpt from The Addictive Kiss of a Demon, Chapter 6, page 73)



When a pure soul arrives at Heaven, or when an impure soul completes their time of consequence in Hell, they get a choice to become an angel or a demon respectively (other options discussed in previous chapters).

When they finish their five decades of work, suffering, training to become either an angel or a Demon, they acquire Wings (white for angel, black for demon), and a halo (angel) or horns (demon). In addition to that, every one of them gets an Ability, to use in their jobs and duties as their posts, depending on their genetics. Angels and demons have different lists of Abilities, that is as given below:

Abilites of Angels:

Abilites of Angels usually include ones that are less laboring, although some exceptions exist.

Possible Angel Abilities: Trance, Healing, Rain, Lightning, Food (rare), Cleaning, etc.

There is one super-rare Ability, due being an Ability only acquired by those with Post-Death blood in them when they were human, regardless of if they could see PD creatures or not. The Ability of Light.


(Excerpt from After-Death: General Understanding; 937 A.D.)

"They're... gone," Jungkook breathed out, seeing nothing where Yoongi and Jimin had stood.

Everyone else was frozen, shell-shocked in place.

"They're gone!" Taehyung repeated, sobbing into Jungkook's shoulder, setting off Jungkook's tears as well, who seeked comfort through a hug from his husband.

Hoseok was heard crying nearby as well, with Namjoon and Seokjin both sounding silent with their sorrow, just as sad watch their friends leave as well.

No processes continued that day, on behalf of the Authorities and the occurrences of the passing.

It was the most unbelievable, revolutionary, yet saddest day in Afterlife in all its history.

not a coincidence

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