Take It, Take It

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take it, take it

The door behind the two shut, the sound echoing into the wide room of the penthouse.

Juseon looked around in awe, looking at Seowon with eyebrows raised.

"You're rich?"

After a few seconds of no reaction, Seowon just breathed out a laugh, knowing Juseon didn't mean it with any bad intentions and just pure surprise.

"Yes, but that's not what matters right now."


After that kiss at the bookstore, the security had been trying to hold Seowon back, dragging him away.

Juseon, eyes not leaving Seowon's, had noticed the desperate look in his eyes as he resisted the arms grabbing him. Feeling a pang in his chest, knowing if he didn't do something, then he wouldn't see him again.

"Wait, guys. Stop that."

He'd said, not taking his eyes off of Seowon.

They had calmed, loosening their grip on Seowon, their gazes not breaking contact even once, just lost in each other's eyes for what seemed like forever. Juseon felt like he'd known this person from his heart, like they'd spent an eternity together.

Their stare had only been broken when the lady who had asked him to lunch earlier spoke up.

"Who is he?"


Juseon had started, but with no idea how to end the sentence, still not breaking eye contact, his heart giving him a strange feeling of euphoria.

"...he's someone I know, it's okay. I'll take my leave, now. Give me a call to continue our conversation for the next date."

That said, he'd walked up to Seowon, who had been finally let go by the guards, and had gently held his hand -- the touch feeling extraordinary, like they'd been waiting to find each other for centuries -- before leading him out, and with awkward, silent conversations on their way, they'd decided to end up at Seowon's apartment. And, here they were.

Without any further words, the two got seated on the couch, a significant distance between them, but it was almost uncomfortable — it felt like the other held all the secrets of the universe, hiding all the beauties of beyond this world, drawing each other closer to each other.

Not really knowing how to start with words, the two just stared, eyes boring into eyes.

The gaze continued, letting them get acquainted with the heart-wrenching emotion bursting in their hearts when meeting the other's eyes.


Seowon started, trailing off awkwardly.


"You're Chimmy?"

Cursing internally at the question with an obvious answer, Seowon wanted to crawl up the vent and die.

Juseon laughed brightly, instantly calming Seowon down, having him let out a small smile.

"Yes, but please call me Juseon. Chimmy... is a weird name for me."

"Oh? But..."

But, it's far more familiar than Juseon for me-? Seowon thought, a little disappointed. Maybe he was wrong about everything?

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