I Only Focus On You

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"Holy fuck--!"

Crying out loudly, almost falling off of his chair, Namjoon's eyes widened at the sight. His reaction caught the attention of the other Authorities too, but even though the scene was odd — they had more important business to deal with, so they mostly went back to work.

Seokjin stood up, walking up to them.


Without warning, he wrapped his arms around Jimin's shoulders, pulling the shorter man into his chest, holding him close.

"I missed you, you idiot. It was bad enough that you'd been on Earth back then, but over a hundred years of you practically being dead..."

He broke the hug, looking into Jimin's eyes sadly. Jimin felt sad for making them feel this way -- but he couldn't have really controlled it.

"I'm sorry, Jin. But, I'm back! We're both back!"

His reassurance made Seokjin pout, but then smile and pull both Yoongi and Jimin into a hug.

"You two aren't leaving before we do, you understand?"

Yoongi coughed in a joking manner.

"We might if you continue this--"

His joke made Jin pull back to almost hit him, wanting to scold him. But, then Namjoon appeared.

Yoongi's eyes brightened at the sight, waving awkwardly.

"Hey, no-longer housemate, grey wings suit you."

Snorting, Namjoon shook his head, grinning the widest.

"You're the one who ditched me years ago, you ass."

Then, the two hugged it out, laughing and teasing amidst it. After they pulled back, Namjoon turned to Jimin, cooing at how cute he still is.

"Jimin-ah! Come here~"

Despite the awkward height difference, the two hugged, laughing along with the others at how funny it looked.

Jimin huffed, pouting.

"Yoongi is the same height as me! Why are you guys only making fun of me?"

"Babe, I'm a centimeter taller, remember? The tailor from over hundred years back said so-"

"Oh, shut up! When we were human as Juseon and Seowon, I was taller!"

"Well, as Yoongi and Jimin, I'm taller."

"Can you guys shut the hell up and take these cutesy things outside the hall? I'm busy looking at crime scenes and suspects. Close the door on your way, please."

The latter words seemed polite, but the way he said them were anything but.

Namjoon apologized, laughing a little before ushering the others out.

"Sorry, Yoonha, and the others too. We'll take this outside."

Once they were all outside the huge doors of the main hall, they decided it would be best to catch up at the dining hall.

"Do any one of you know where Hoseok is? He could take some time off to come and meet with these two. I'm sure he's missed them just as much as us."

The thoughtfulness of Namjoon's words made the rest happy, but sadly no one knew what duty he was on.

"He doesn't share his shifts for some reason. He used to, but ever since we had our schedules changed last year, he's been awfully reserved and strange. Not as cheery or wanting to be involved like he usually was."

This made both Yoongi and Jimin furrow their brows and look at each other for a second. That was a little odd.

They shrugged, maybe he'd just changed? That happens; people change all the time. Something surely must have turned out different after all these years.

"Well, we can go and find him later with Jungkook. Our day off doesn't end until next afternoon. We have time."

"Yeah, for now, let's catch up on what we've missed."

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