Don't Worry, Love

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Please read the --- chapter that comes before this,
and read this chapter only after you have read that one.
They are very important, so please try to not miss them next time if you did this time.

걱정하지 love

Juseon woke up with a smile. He had a dream again. Like usual, it had the same faceless but familiar man in them. But, instead of waking up confused and frustrated, he felt happy and content. Leaning over, he glanced at the figure next to him, who was sleeping with his mouth open.

Grinning at the cuteness, Juseon stared at the beauty. His eyes held an eternal worth of love, unnoticed by Juseon himself.

With a stir, Seowon slowly fluttered his eyes open, a soft yawn leaving him. His eyes looked over, meeting with Juseon's. An instant smile appeared on his lips, face brightening up like day.


Juseon scooted closer, pressing a kiss on Seowon's collarbone before muttering back.


His arms slithered around Seowon's bare waist, head lifting to face him with a questioning gaze.

"Did you... see a dream?"

Seowon's eyes changed emotions, lighthearted to serious. With a gulp, he nodded slowly. After a pause, he asked.

"What did you see...?"

Juseon didn't say anything, eyes shining with unsureness. He took a breath before starting.

"I was reading a book, something about weird dusts and containers. There was someone else — like usual, someone who I can't see the face of but just know — it's so strange—"

He let out a breath of exasperation, eyes traveling off to a wall before continuing.

"He was reading too, besides me. Looked like we were both researching on something, trying to find a way — I don't know for what, but it seemed very important to us."

He stopped there, not really knowing how to continue. Looking back at Seowon, he gave an expectant look, waiting for his response.

"I saw something similar. There was someone, too — exactly like you said, familiar but unrecognizable. We were together, looking for books in a very old library."

That was all.

For a few seconds, neither of them spoke, just enjoying each other's gazes. But, then, Seowon opened his mouth, taking a while before he actually uttered words.

"I think you're the one in my dreams."

That sent shivers down both their spines, bringing an odd sensation.

In a whisper, Juseon responded.

"I think so too; you in mine."

Neither reacted excessively to the confession, just softly smiled and tugged closer. They were huddled against each other, warm and comfortable; Seowon's head resting on Juseon's bare collarbones.

After a beat of silence, Juseon whispered.

"Maybe they're memories from our past lives?"

They both knew it was meant as a joke, nothing but a light-hearted humor tone, making them chuckle under their breaths before falling back asleep in each other's arms.

What they didn't realize is that every joke hides at least little bit of the truth.

Maybe, this time, it was far more than just a little bit.

"—CEO of one of the biggest company of the country, Kim Seowon was seen out on a date with rookie author, Jung Juseon. They were witnessed by pedestrians, getting in Kim's car after a kiss—"

Seowon switched the TV off, snorting.

"They still don't learn to not be nosy with others' personal lives."

He said, shaking his head. Then, he glanced over at Juseon, who just came out of the bathroom, shirtless with only shorts on. He tried not to let his mind be taken over by his hormones, gulping the feeling down and asking him a serious question.

"Do you mind? This being public? I apologize for not discussing it with you before taking you out..."

He casted his eyes down, ashamed that he didn't think this through. The idea of Juseon being uncomfortable troubled him a lot.

But, a small fit of laughter snapped him out of it.

"I don't mind, otherwise I would've been wary to begin with. Don't worry your pretty head over it."

The words made Seowon blush, but also smile, eyes disappearing cutely.

"You're the pretty one, Juseon."

The name felt unfamiliar, like it was wrong to say. Both of them ignored it.

With a cheeky grin, Juseon strutted over to Seowon, who was sitting on the couch, standing right in front of him. With a smirk, he spread his legs and shifted forward before sitting right on Seowon's lap, kissing along his neck with whispering words as he's tugging his shirt up.

"I think you have too much on."

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