My Hand Reaching Out To You Is a Fate Decided

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너에게 내민 손은 정해진 숙명


Juseon offered a smile, meeting Seowon's gaze. Seowon was standing in front of Juseon's door, holding a bouquet of flowers, shyly smiling, light pink dusted on his cheeks.


Seowon looked downwards, grin widening, flustered. He held out the flowers towards Juseon.

"I... got this... for you."

His face was burning, bright red. He didn't look back up to meet Juseon's eyes, too flustered to. Heart was thudding out of his chest, butterflies all over his stomach.

Chest filling with warmth, Juseon accepted it, matching his grin with Seowon's.

"Ah, thank you. I'll... put this on a vase and come back. Step inside if you want."

Almost as flustered as Seowon was, Juseon stumbled away to find a vase.

While Juseon was away, Seowon looked back up, tapping his feet in nervousness. Looking around, he could see the house was very neat and design minimalistic. It was pleasing to look at, Seowon thought.

"Oh? Are you the boy taking Juseon out today?"

Startled, Seowon took a small step back, eyes widening just a little as he looked at the person who spoke.

It was a lady, who seemed to be around her late early forties. She had kind eyes, ones like Juseon's. Probably his mother.

Bowing politely, Seowon greeted her.

"Hello. Yes, I'm Kim Seowon."

The woman smiled, giving Seowon a nod.

"I'm Juseon's mother. Take care of him."

Seowon blushed. It'd been less than a week since he's met Juseon, but he really felt like he'd spent an entire eternity with him.

"I will."

He promised. He would. He really would. It was crazy — he'd never felt attracted to anyone all his life, but Juseon came in and it felt like he was the answers behind everything. He wouldn't be the one to follow what seemed like fleeting euphoric emotions, and would have his doubts. But, there was something different about Juseon — something deeper than just a momentary cloud-nine feeling.

"Ah, Mama! I forgot to tell you about him."

Juseon entered the scene, looking a little embarrassed. With a shy glance towards Seowon, Juseon looked at his mother.

"This is—"

The mother laughed, shaking her head.

"He's already told me. I need to take of the laundry. Have fun, kids. Don't forget to lock the door, Juseon."

She walked off, disappearing behind the stairs.

Juseon just shrugged and glanced back at Seowon, beaming.

"Let's go?"

Cheeks heating up, Seowon nodded, stepping back to give Juseon space to step out.

Hearts light and fluttering, the two walked side-by-side to Seowon's car, close in proximity and high in comfort. Seowon opened the door for Juseon, letting him in before getting in himself.

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