This Is Inevitable, I Love Us

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이건 필연이야 i love us

After a few hours, Hoseok said he had to go somewhere, sincerely requesting the two to take over for just a little bit before he'd be back.

The two shrugged, agreeing, thinking it wasn't much of work. They had nothing else to do other than spend time in the library trying to find answers anyway.

When he left the door, completely disappearing from the two's sight, Yoongi's eyes narrowed.

"He does seem odd."

He instantly pointed out, and Jimin hummed in agreement, looking at where he last saw Hoseok.

"He does. I can't place my finger on it, but he seemed a bit strange. Even for changing over the years, there's something very offputting about his whole aura."

Namjoon emerged out of the archive room, greeting them at sight.

"What's up? Did you find anything?"

"Just caught up with Hoseok."

"Yeah, don't you think he's acting a bit strange?"

Tilting his head, Namjoon tried to recall anything weird.

"Did he? I don't think I noticed it. I found it weird when Taehyung said it, but I thought that was just him. Is he really acting weird? Maybe he's just changed over the years?"

Jimin shook his head.

"I'd think so, too. But, there's something else-- it's hard to explain."

"Well, tell me when you figure it out. I gotta go, soon."

"Before that--"

Yoongi interrupted, remembering something odd about what he saw on Earth.

"What's up with the lack of angels and demons on Earth? We barely saw any when we were there."

"Oh... I'm not sure. I haven't looked much into it. But, I think it's just because a lot of them are going to jail. Rebels arising a lot. Not the good kind, like you. But, the ones that actually want all of the worlds to blend and collapse."

Jimin and Yoongi harbored a surprised look.

"There are people like that?"

"Yeah, believe it or not. They started up a little before you left. And, have been rapidly increasing these days. Hopefully, we'll have it under control, soon."

Noticing the different Angel standing outside, looking like he'd got something urgent to say, Jimin informed Namjoon.

"I think you're getting called, Namjoon. You better go, now."

Taking note of the guy outside, Namjoon nodded. He looked at the two with a smile.

"Alright, I'll be going, now. Hope you find out what's going on with you two. Don't hesitate to come to the main hall and tell me about strange things."

Yoongi flashed him a thumbs up.

"Sure thing. Now, go, makeshift God."

Snorting at the nickname, Namjoon left without another word, leaving the two alone in the library.

That's what they all thought, but as Yoongi and Jimin conversed, there was someone listening, someone behind cornered shelves, in the dark, hidden from sight.

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