It's You I Was Looking All Over For

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note: he refers to the one dreaming in narration, the rest are specified each time without pronouns.


내가 찾아 헤매던 너라는

A soft moan spilled from his lips, bliss hitting him all in the right places.

The man - who he'd come to recognize the aura, the figure of, but never noticed the face - was under him, all in his submission.

Soft hair sticking to their sticky foreheads, they continued, snapping jolting electrical pleasure all over.

He looked at his lover - although not able to realize his face - he couldn't help but feel a surge of affection, watching him squirm and whine in ecstasy.

Dark feathers appeared, but he took no notice of it, kissing his lover's neck in desperation, not caring for his own white wings to sprout out.

After a few strong jolts, he hit his peak, a whimper escaping him, eyes tightly shut-

Eyes snapped open, moving around rapidly in a search of a familiar environment as he panted.

It was just his room, and himself in it. No one else. Leaning back in disappointment, Juseon tried to calm his breathing, heart pounding out of his chest and arousal raining down on him.

With a large sigh, he grabbed his dream notebook and wrote any detail he could remember. After a few minutes, he finished writing. Flipping through the pages, he tried to make sense of it.

And, to some extent it did - if it didn't exist in reality. Black feathery wings on his lover? Calling him something along the lines of a demon? And, himself an angel? Only fiction sounded reasonable to Juseon.

"Ah! I know!"

A bright idea painted in his mind; Juseon grinned, scanning through the pages to see if he could make a meaningful storyline out of his notes.

When he concluded that he could, he officialized it in his head. Happily, he set the notebook aside and slid back down on his bed, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

He was going to write a book.

There was warmth around him like a blanket. Arms around him affectionately.

"-you're so cute, hyung!"

He scrunched his nose, pulling away from the cuddle.

"Don't call me that when we're being soft."

His lover just rolled his eyes and softly poked his nose with a grin.

"Alright, then, -----. You're cute, can't believe you're a demon-"

His expression softened and he also smiled, not believing the cuteness of his lover. Although the sight was foggy and blurry, it was like a natural fact that his lover was cute.

"Come on, -----, you said we'd sleep in for the whole day!"

He shook his head, but the soft smile was still present as he leaned back into the warm embrace.

"We don't even need to sleep, you idiot ---- -----."

"In our human forms, we do."

"Okay, fine. I'm not really complaining anyway. Now, stop talking and just love me."


It was one of the rare times he didn't wake up panting and aroused, in a considerable state of weakness. He felt loved, heart warmed and affectionate.

Scoffing at himself, he got up, shaking the thought off as he headed out. He'd think about it over the weekend.

Currently, he had to get to work. Dropout in his third year, Seowon was now working as the head of a very small company - thinking this is a better shot to put effort into than actual college classes - the information he could easily get out of pirate sites online.

Running his hands through his hair in wonder - when would he reach the point to be able to search without a problem of finance?

Closing his eyes, he shook his head, driving the negative thoughts away.

He just had to be hard-working, and patient.

Time would do what's necessary it for him eventually.

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