I Want It, This Love

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i want it, this love

The first thing Yoongi saw after the sight of steam fading was familiar. Dusty grounds with guards nearby -- guarding the Heaven and Hell gate.

Jimin popped in right after, hands still attached to Yoongi's. His eyes were wide and in awe, looking around.

"Not much has changed."

Yoongi agreed to the comment and wondered where they actually should be heading next. It would be easier if they could just find their friends easily like last time--

"Oh! Oh my god! It is you guys! Oh my god, oh my god-- I wasn't hallucinating. Ji---min! Yoo---ngi!"

They heard a familiar voice loudly yell, followed by the loud sound of huge wings flapping. It created a bit of an airwave around them before a face appeared in front of them, grinning widely.

Soon, another voice came in, sounds of wings following yet again.

"Taehyung--! Don't fly so quickly like that-- it startled me!"

Another familiar figure entered their sight, landing gently just behind Taehyung.

"Taehyung? Jungkook?"

Both Yoongi and Jimin asked at once, looking at them in surprise.

With the widest and happiest beam, Taehyung nodded and swooped forward to pull both of them into a hug.

"I can't believe it! You guys are back! I don't know what happened, but I'm so happy to see you again! I missed you two so so so so so much!"

The happiness was evident in his voice, his face was bright as day, lips stretched out in merriment.

"Holy shit-- Yoongi? Jimin? So, it was you two Taehyung was talking about?"

Jungkook had just come into realization, eyes widening in shock. Then, his face softened, lips trembling and eyes watering.

With a low whine, he hugged them both along with Taehyung, the tears already falling.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook didn't detach from the newly arrived couple, too scared that they'd leave if they let them go.

Jimin laughed loudly -- after wiping his own tears as well -- and Yoongi just smiled, reassuring them that nothing bad was happening. They'd be fine.

It was like reuniting with their younger brothers after years and years of parting.

"Where's Hoseok?"

Yoongi asked, not minding the Jungkook that was hugging him close as he walked forward.

"He's on duty. Today's our day off."

Taehyung answered, rubbing his cheek on Jimin's like a cat, happily giggling. Jimin giggled back, keeping him close.

"I see... And? Namjoon? Jin?"

Yoongi questioned, a little absentmindedly as he noticed the empty space in which he saw their wings last time.

"They're Authorities, now."

Both Jimin and Yoongi stopped in their tracks, eyes widening.


"They're Authorities?"

Taehyung and Jungkook nodded, finally pulling back a little, not completely to step back.

"Yeah, Jin hyung's the food Authority, and Namjoon hyung's the main one. Fitting, don't you think?"

Yoongi and Jimin looked at each other, beyond surprised at the new information. Then, their expression went to a soft happy one.

"Well, at least our efforts paid off."

Jimin said, a tone of reminiscence in his voice.

"Yeah... Also... why are there now guards securing the passing-on ground?"

Everyone looked over to where Yoongi pointed, and Jimin nodded along.

"So that some other angels or demons don't attempt to pass on. When you two left, it was on the news, headlines and everything -- we'd made newspaper. Then, we realized that it wasn't really a good idea, it gave people more ideas to create chaos and not have order and peace. So, they decided to discontinue newspapers, and now we have guards around there just in case someone tries something funny."

It was understandable. The whole responsibility as the controlling unit of a mass is to have things under control and try and maintain peace. Without proper security, that would go down the drain, and chaos would ensue.

"Alright, then. What's up with you two? And, everyone else? What's happened in the years we've been gone, I'm sure we missed lots."

Jimin asked, still joyous at the reunion and recalling the past.

"Before that -- let's go to the Authority Palace."

"Wait-- why?"

Before the two could say anything, Jungkook and Taehyung flew away, leaving Yoongi and Jimin near the passing-on ground and the punishment grounds.

Yoongi shook his head, smiling in amusement before walking ahead, with Jimin following behind him.

"They don't know that we forgot how to fly, those idiots."

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