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not a coincidence

Rule No. 62

Souls shall enter the passing on gate when they have fulfilled their wishes, regrets, and purpose for remaining in Afterlife.

(From The Rules of The Above, Under, and Inbetween)

Rule No. 64

Strictly souls shall enter the passing-on gate. It is forbidden for an angel or a demon to enter the grounds except the one that is assigned to guard it.

(From The Great Rule Book; Edition 2)

"Minji, calm down--"

"But, we almost got caught!"

"Like, I said, calm down, it's okay. I'll just tell them I seduced you."

"That doesn't help anything! I'm not allowed to be seduced!"

"But, admit it, you were, right?"

(Excerpt from The Addictive Kiss of a Demon, Chapter 9, page 102)



Due to lack of rules in birth between Post-Death creatures and Humans -- as it wasn't seen as possible, those demons or angels who have escaped to Earth, or abused their post to collect souls, have had descendants.

For a birth to occur between a human and a PD creature, the human must be a female -- as the uterus and ova must be alive and well in order to give birth. If the human is male, the uterus and ova of the woman (PD creature) isn't well nor can be considered as living enough to hold a human child.

*The man must be in their human form, not in their angel or demon form.

With the cross of human and Post-Death creatures, there is a hybrid, which have extraordinary abilities than that of normal humans.


As a bloodline of descendants is made, every alternating generation gets the sight to see post-death creatures that roam the Earth.

This phenomenon has not been full studied yet, so there is not much information on it.


(Excerpt from After-Death: General Understanding; 937 A.D.)

Every new Authority stepped out to the balcony, watching the old and the last one standing in front of the passing-on gate, turning around one last time, waving once before turning back, and stepping forward, instantly disintegrating off into the surroundings.

Even civilians had stepped out to watch this scene, everyone silent.

A moment of silence passed before Namjoon clapped his hands twice.

"Normal functions proceed to start now, we can't slack off in keeping the universe in balance."

not a coincidence

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