Surprisingly, I Keep Gasping and It Maybe Is Weird

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"Namjoon-ah, I'm really sure that something is up with Hoseok."

Yoongi said the moment he entered the room, Jimin followed behind him. The room was a separate one, a few doors down the main hall. Taehyung and Jungkook were there, too, discussing something with Namjoon.

"Right? It's really strange."

Taehyung said, agreeing. Jimin nodded along, as well, then pouted.

"Yeah. He even kicked us out of the library."

This made the other three widen their eyes, the incident sounding too odd for Hoseok to have done it.

"What, really?"

Jungkook asked, and Yoongi and Jimin confirmed a yes.

"I think there's someone he's talking to someone -- maybe, someone he doesn't want the officials seeing?"

Yoongi theorized, voice trailing off a little, unsure.

"Yeah, maybe someone's telling him to not tell anyone else? He kicked us after it seemed like he saw someone in there. Did you see anyone, Namjoon?"

Thinking of Jimin's questions, Namjoon tried to remember, but he remembered no one — not from the parts he entered in the library at least.

"No... No one..."

"Maybe he was hiding on purpose?"

Taehyung's idea made sense - there was no other reasonable explanation for this.

"Who knows— I just... I just hope it all ends up okay. I gotta go now, though, guys."

Shaking his head, wanting to shake off the stressing thoughts about his friend, Jungkook made his way out.

"See you guys later."

"Wait, Jungkook-- I'll walk you--"

Taehyung called, running after him, also leaving the room.

"And, you two?"

Namjoon asked, wondering what was their next move.

"Your situation is very... strange. I think you'll have to hide your face for a while. I don't think it's a good idea for people to know you're back. There are rooms for sleeping and taking rests in this building -- I'll hand you two over one that's been unused a bit later, hm? For now, look around. Don't cause trouble. I gotta go back to work."

With that, Namjoon headed out, throwing them a peace sign.

"And, keep a close eye on Hoseok."

"Will do."

Not a Coincidence | yoonminTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang