"You have a melter?"

Mother nodded. "Luckily, Selena Miller has just enough DT."

She kidnapped Selena? Hmm, well, it wasn't surprising that she hadn't found any volunteers. Only a highly determined soul could survive the process. If they weren't strong enough, the host's body would be reduced to a puddle before getting anywhere close to World Master. Finding a willing subject would have been extremely difficult, if possible at all.

"Just what are you planning?" Jacob asked.

"It's quite simple, really. We have a room full of monsters, as well as the human they love most. Monsters say their souls are made of love, hope, and compassion. If that is true, then will they be willing to let their hero die for them? What do they value more? Their freedom, or their lives?"

That... that was low, even by Jacob's standards, but if it had to be done...

Jacob moved on to the question that really mattered.

"What do you need from me?"


Holding Frisk's hand, Chara walked back inside the courtroom. There was still no sign of Selena, but court was supposed to resume in just a few minutes. Where was she?

Felicia, like everyone else, was getting worried. Why isn't she back yet?

I don't know, was all Chara could say.

Where's Nate? Does he know?

Chara saw Nate walking around the seats, asking everyone if they saw Selena. No one had. He saw them, and he asked them the same question. "Hey, have you seen Selena?"

"We were going to ask you the same thing," Chara replied.

Nate grimaced. "What the hell? This isn't like her."

Chara was about to stupidly suggest calling her, but that was impossible. Everyone's cellphones had been collected by security before the trial. Selena had probably left her phone with them. Still, where was she? Monty couldn't have affected her that much, right?

Chara looked at the entrance, where more people were coming in. Among them was... Boaris. Though Chara didn't know the details, he had been subpoenaed as a last-minute addition to the witnesses. Apparently, Gaster had been doing more work behind the scenes.

Someone else came in. It was...

Finally, there she was.

Just in time, Selena returned to the courtroom, but she still looked a little rattled. Nate approached her. "Selena! Are you alright?"

She shakily nodded. "Y-yeah, I'm alright."

"Are you sure? If you need to, you can delay the trial. It shouldn't be a problem."

Finding her determination, Selena shook her head. "No, we're ending this today."

Chara admired her enthusiasm, but she didn't want her to do this if she wasn't ready. "Are you sure?" she asked.

Clearly frustrated with herself, Selena got a little testy. "I'm fine!" she snapped. "It was just a little slip-up! It won't happen again!"

Frisk, ever the diplomat, tried to comfort her. "Hey, it's alright. We're not mad at you. We just want to make sure you're okay. If you need more time, that's alright."

"Don't worry, I've got this now."

Frisk wasn't angry, but he couldn't speak for everyone. Someone else approached Selena, looking quite peeved. Jacob scowled at Selena. "Finally, there you are. Now, what the hell's wrong with you?"

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