Robbie's POV

A beam fell on set causing an explosion and a fire to start . Burning quickly through the set . Everyone ran towards the doors . I found Stephanie when I reached outside but it didn't stop the panic . Members if the crew were missing . The fire department were called and almost instantly they where here . They rushed into the burning building in search of the missing cast members . One by one they came out carrying someone in their arms . Eagerly Steph and I rushed to see if Y/N had been found . But they didn't pull her out . I ran over to the fireman . " She's still in there ! " He looked down at me with sorrow filled eyes . " We couldn't find anyone else in there . We can't go back in , the building isn't stable '. He placed a hand on my shoulder but I pushed it away . he was trying to make me give up . I refuse to. I like in hope that's what Y/N would say . I looked around everyone was now rushing to the aid of the burn victims pulled out . I grabbed my jacket and ran . I ran towards the burning building , no one should be left behind or forgotten , especially when they need you most .
" Robbie No ! " I heard Stephanie shout behind me , grasping the attention of everyone else , but it was too late I had already reached the door . The flames engulfed me . I ran through the set searching for Y/N . the fire cracking the few beams holding this place together as they burnt .I cod feel my hear rate increase as my head banged against my chest at the thought of three possibilities . One I would find Y/N scorched by the flames but alive . I would bring her out of the building out into the open space away from the flames . Two at any second the building would collapse on both of us before I could get the chance to find her and tell her how I feel and three , I find her , as she lays on the ground unconscious I run to her aid to find no pulse , no breath escape her lungs and no more life . The thought only made me rush to find her . The thick cloud of smoke burning my eyes and strangling my lungs . I saw a silhouette of someone on the ground . I gathered the remaining strength I had and rushed to her aid . Her hair was swept over her face it was once long flowing to the bottom of her back but now the flames had burnt it , it came below her chest and was singed .I took off my Jacket and placed it around her . I ran through the flames avoiding the beams that now began to collapse around us . The door had been blocked beside a small gap that I could just fit through . Coughs racked through my body as minimal oxygen was available . Gasping for air as I walked out if the crumbling building carrying Y/N . Paramedics and firemen rushed to our side , taking Y/N away from me and pushing me towards an ambulance . I saw Stephanie get in with Y/N as they rode away to the hospital . The paramedics tried to ask me questions but the only thing I could think about was Y/N . Praying she would be okay.

Your POV

You woke to blinding lights glaring down at you . An incessant beep filled your ears . You looked down to see bandages covering the majority of your body . Pain radiating throughout constantly . You looked around realising you were in a hospital room . The white that covered the hospital was supposed to be a way of making people feel better but for you it just made you think that they had to sterilise everything , the white that looked untouched made it feel surgical . Ghostly cold , no sense if warmth or welcome was given . The hospital despite constantly having people rushed in and out felt empty . Empty of any real comfort or security .
You turned to see a body slimmed in a chair . Robbie . He too was covered in bandages . He looked exhausted , dark bags hung under his eyes , his hai out if place from having his hands run through it over and over as well as having been pulled at it multiple times. His breathing was slow but broken, Yet still , in this state of recklessness and bravery he still looked perfect . All his imperfections only made you cherish and love him more .Thats when you realised , You loved Robbie Kay , not just because he had saved you like in fairy tales , but because every molecule of Robbie was filled with Love, passion, thought, kindness,intelligence and so much more , because Robbie was not just Robbie he was everything and anything he wanted to be.. " Robbie " you spoke your voice horse from the lack of water . Instantly Robbie awoke and looked at you , his eyes were red , he looked as if only moments before he had finally gotten to sleep after desperately trying whilst tears flooded his face . " Y/N" there was excitement in his voice as you spoke to one another . you have him a week smile as you continued. " my saviour " Robbie came and sat on the side of your bed stroking your head . " Y/N . I would never let anything bad happen to you . As long as there is air in my lungs and blood pumping through my veins I will do everything I can to protect you ... because I love you "
" I love you too." You wished you had realised sooner and that it shouldn't have taken a dear death experience for you to figure out the emotions you felt towards Robbie . His eyes lit up yet he stayed calm . He lent forward and placed a soft kiss on your forehead . " You need to rest love , you need to heel . I love you "
You mumbled back I love you as the overwhelming sensation of sleep once again coerced through your aching body . Allowing you to dream . Dream of Robbie .

Hey , sorry for not updating been busy , hope this makes up for it , and yes I know it's not the second part to Lagoon that is common I promise it's just I started this one first . okay love you thank you for reading please vote an comment xxx

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