84 | take my mind

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Take my mind and take my pain.


"Please work, just work!" I pressed on the buttons repeatedly but nothing happened, so I jumped out of the elevator and ran over to the many, many steps of the stairs.

I didn't care about the souring muscles in my legs as I ran up as fast as possible. I had to get to his room right now. There was no time to lose. Caroline hadn't explained me why I had to come, but I heard the tone in her voice- I needed to come and I wished everything could go faster, for some reasons everything seemed to be against you when you were in a haste.

Once I was finally up the fourth floor, I breathed heavily as I had used more energy than I actually had, but the adrenaline quickly covered it up and I ran over to room 28, only being met by Caroline before I could actually enter.

"Caroline," I breathed out, "Did he die?"

Caroline looked at me and she stretched her arm out to me. "Come," The fact that she didn't tell me if he did or not scared me so much, but before I could worry about that she took my hand and slowly led me inside of his room, closing the door behind him.

His room was dark, only a few dim lights were on, making the atmosphere around here so emotional, heavy, but beautiful. I saw his family sitting around his bed and I swallowed thickly, because I didn't know what I could expect.

Caroline slowly and quietly walked me over to the bed and tears welled up in my eyes as he stared right into mine. He was still alive, but he looked so sick. I didn't think I had ever seen him that sick before. Dark purple circles had formed underneath his eyes, his lips were almost blue. His body looked limp as his strength was only put into his breathing now and his face was paler than ever, but still, his smile was present.

Emotions got caught up in my throat, I could only stare at him. I didn't know for how long Caroline had held my hand, and I didn't know how long Zayn and I had just stared at each other, but Caroline eventually let go and Zayn turned his face to his mother.

"Mum.." He said and it was enough for her to stand up, along with his dad, sisters and a few aunts.

Trisha hugged me tight when she walked past and kissed my face several times. "He wants to talk to you. Please, please keep this moment in your mind forever. It's never going to come back." Her tears mixed with mine as she hugged me close, confirming now that he was going to pass away today or tomorrow.

They all left the room, even Caroline and for a moment I stood there, just staring at him and not saying anything. That, until my tears started to fall once again and he tried to wave me over.

"Rose," He whispered, his voice weaker than ever. "Come here, babe."

I slowly made my way over to him and sat down on his bed while I covered my face. Zayn wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer with all of his last strength he had. I buried my face in his chest and started crying, sobbing loudly because this was it. This was the last time I was going to see him alive.

Zayn hugged me tight and pressed kisses to my head, waiting for me to calm down for a moment. "Rose, look up. I want to see your beautiful face. Please?"

So that's what I did. I knew he didn't care about me crying. He understood me. He was my boyfriend after all. My soulmate, my life. Even if I had only known him for months. It was the amazing thing of love. It seemed and felt like you had known each other for years even if it was only for a month.

I looked into his eyes and he gave me a smile. "You're so beautiful, do you know that?" He stroked my cheek and played with my hair with his other hand.

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