thirty three | band aids & soup

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"Hey there, dipshit!" My brother grinned, roughly nudging my shoulder as he walked past me on purpose.

Rolling my eyes, a sigh escaped from my lips. "Well okay, hello Lucas. Good evening to you too." Rubbing my sore shoulder, I glared at my brother and the way he, for some reasons, always felt the need to greet me in.

"What's for dinner tonight?" Lucas questioned, snatching the lid off the pan to peek inside. He frowned lightly, looking back up at me. "Seriously? Soup? That's not even a proper dinner meal."

I gave him a look, "Watch out or you're not getting any at all, ungrateful pig. Mum told me to cook this and besides, I have to because we have a guest over who can only eat something like this."

"A guest?" Thomas, my other brother, said as he just stepped inside with dirty shoes, littering the clean floor.

"Yeah exactly, a guest?" Lucas lied down on the couch while stuffing some cookies into his mouth, his eyebrow raised as he stared at me.

Sighing, I didn't really feel like telling them about the fact that there was a guy sleeping in my bed at this very moment, knowing they would probably take it the wrong way. "I spent today with one of my patients, it's this thing where once in a while a patient gets a day out."

"So you brought a baby or something? Where is it?" Thomas grinned, making me frown deeply and look at him in disbelief.

"Seriously Thomas? Do you live under a rock? I did not get into the delivery department, idiot. I work at the Oncology floor. For a few weeks now actually, but why would you care what your younger sister is up to, right." Mumbling the last part to myself, I stirred the wooden spoon through the soup, the smell satisfying me.

Lucas laughed in amusement, but got surprisingly serious after that, "Wait but.. oncology is with cancer, right?"

"Right. He's sleeping upstairs." I said shortly, keeping the details to myself as I didn't feel like talking about it- especially since I knew they would probably go crazy about it, when it wasn't even wrong.

Thomas held up his hands, a deep frown appearing on his forehead as he turned his face to me. "Wow, wow, wait. He is, as in, there is a strange guy in our house, sleeping upstairs in.. who's bed?!"

"It's not a stranger! It's my patient, as I said. And don't worry, he's sleeping in my bed if that's the thing you're so frantic about." Stuffing the bread rolls into the oven, I pulled my face at the heat that hit my face, quickly waving the steam off.

Lucas sat up slowly, his expression uncertain, as if he thought I was just joking about everything. "Rose, seriously? You let a guy you barely know, a patient, sleep in your bed? Dad's going to be mad at you, so you know. How old is he?" He huffed, giving me a look out of disbelief.

I had to try to contain my emotions, feeling like raging everything out on them right at this moment. Why couldn't they be a little more thoughtful towards the situation? "He's twenty one, Lucas." I answered shortly, feeling relieved when my mother entered the kitchen

Mum kissed my forehead and walked over to my brothers, who were both glaring at me, mostly in disbelief. "Hi, sweethearts. How was your day?"

A deep, frustrated sigh left Lucas' lips as he shook his head. "Mum, do you even know that Rose's bed is occupied by a strange guy?"

"Lucas!" I hissed, feeling helpless. "You make it sound so wrong! Hadn't you heard what I just told you? He's my patient, who's sick due to the cancer. We walked all day long, he's exhausted because of that and because of his medication. It was only thoughtful to let him sleep and recharge for as much as possible." Washing my hands, I dried them on the kitchen towel, throwing it at him- but before it could reach and hit him, mum caught it.

Heal // z.mOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora