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After my mother had spent her weekend with me, she went back home to take care of my sisters and dad and I was alone again.

I knew Rose was working today but I hadn't seen her yet as I was still asleep when she gave me my pills. I hoped she'd come back in a bit, because I wanted to know how she'd act around me after yesterday's hug.

Like she could read my mind, she stepped into my room. A smile grew on my face almost automatically but it disappeared when I saw her face. She wasn't looking that happy. Her eyes were red and puffy and her expression was rather sad.

Though, she still smiled at me when our eyes met. I shoved my sandwich on my plate, placing it on my nightstand as I stared at her walking over to me.

"Hey. Are you okay?" I didn't want to ask if she had cried, knowing my sisters hated that if I asked them and they were girls.

Rose gave me a smile, "I'm fine. Why?"

I watched her as she sat down on my bed and rubbed her face. "You look a little.. sad." I said carefully.

She bit her lip and sighed softly. "Yeah, I know. Just something that happened this morning and since I'm extremely emotional when I'm on my monthly problem I couldn't help and cry."

I smiled a little. She felt confident enough to share things like that with me, just what I did with her. It made me feel better because it made me feel like she trusted me.

"What happened? Was it bad?" I asked, feeling slightly worried.

Rose chuckled. "Not really. Dad and mum decided to book a holiday around Christmas time, but they forgot I still have to work the day before Christmas so I can't go with them. I was mad."

"Oh really?" I frowned, "That sucks a lot. Can't they go a day later? Or can't you come to there?"

She shook her head, "No. They need my car and they don't want to cancel it because my dad said it will cost too much money. So it's whatever." She shrugged.

"I'm sorry, Rose. That sucks.." I said softly. I could understand that her dad didn't want to cancel it. I knew it costed a lot of money but I also felt bad for Rose. "So you need to spend Christmas and New Years alone?"

"Seems like it. Or with my family, but they live across the country so I have no idea how I'll be able to come over. I don't have my car." Rose grabbed the ointment for me and squeezed some on her finger.

I bit my lip thoughtfully and suddenly an idea popped up into my mind, "So what if you spend Christmas and New Years at my house? I'm sure mum wouldn't mind. You'll be my personal nurse and you'll have company." I suggested.

"Really?" Rose's eyes literally lit up and that made me feel so.. strange, in a positive way. But then her slight smile faded, "I mean.. that'd be so nice but they'll never allow me."

I grinned, "But they don't have to know."

"How are they not going to know, Zayn? We can't hide it.. Caroline will definitely find out and I don't want it to be a secret, lose my internship and get negative study results." Rose bit her lip, "It sounds like I care more about my study than about you but my study just costs a lot of money, you know.." She gulped.

I knew why. She basically said that she cared more about me than her study, and I knew her study meant a lot to her. I couldn't help and blush like a little boy but I tried to hide it really hard.

"I can discuss it with my mum and Caroline? Then it won't be a secret and you'll have company with those days." I smiled warmly at her and she returned it.

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