twenty two | secret departments & questions

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Figuring that I could leave the department behind for a while as I had a phone with me, which would notify me if someone called for help- I decided to follow Zayn. It would make this night shift much better as I liked having company around, especially his.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked as he was taking the lead and walking up, for what it felt like, a thousand stairs.

He licked his lips, "To a better place."

"Well does it have to be so far? We can just take the elevator or something you know." I mumbled while panting like a horse, wondering when we'd finally arrive at this better place.

He chuckled. "Hey, who's the sick person here? I'd have expected better from you, Rose." He playfully raised his eyebrow at me and I rolled my eyes in response, chuckling after that.

"Whatever." I smiled and followed him, anyway, secretly curious about what he wanted to show me.

We walked four floors up until we reached the eighth floor, which was also the highest floor from the hospital and he stood still before entering the department through the official door.

He looked at me, "Okay, when we step inside you have to follow me all the way to the left, okay? If they ask us what we're doing there don't answer, just pretend we know what we're doing."

I gulped, "Why? Is it a forbidden place?"

"Maybe." He grinned, his expression playful when he looked at me. It reminded me of when my brothers had done mischief and the face they'd pull at my parents when they questioned them about it. It made me smile.

I didn't reply, I just laughed a little but became quiet when he opened the door. I instantly saw a nurse walking around, but she luckily didn't notice us. I wasn't quite sure what kind of floor this was, since I didn't see any patients as it was night, but before I could even think about that- Zayn grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the left.

"You were staring." He whispered, shaking his head to pretend to be disappointed as he just told me to walk to the left and not care about my surroundings.

I chuckled, "Sorry."

He gave me a smile and he continued to walk into the, for what it looked like, endless hallway. It was getting colder the further we walked but also darker and that didn't really please me.

I frowned, "Seriously, Zayn. What is this?"

"Don't ask. Just follow me." He chuckled while pulling his beanie further over his head, covering his ears and almost his eyes.

I stayed quiet and we walked for a few more minutes, until he stopped, looked around and opened a door. It was really dark in the room and before I could even doubt if I wanted to go in or not- he already pulled me inside.

He closed the door behind him and switched on the lights, which looked extremely unpleasant compared to the lights they had in their rooms.

He sat down on the bed and looked at me, "Ain't this sick? A super old hospital room. I love it."

I looked around me. Everything was indeed very old, so that was probably the reason why no one was allowed to come in here. Old chemicals and cracky furniture wouldn't do anyone good, yet Zayn was the one who found out something like this and apparently spent his time here more often.

The furniture was mostly brown while in the newer rooms it was all white and the room smelled funny. It was cold, humid and draughty, but that made the experience more exciting.

"It looks amazing here." I agreed. I smiled slightly and looked around the room, seeing old paintings and such on the wall. Walking over to one of the small brown cabinets, I opened a drawer, finding an old picture from 1976. "This is really old. Who are they?"

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