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I woke up when I had the feeling I couldn't breathe anymore. My eyes were open in a split second and I started gasping for air. My chest was rising and falling rapidly and my lungs hurt. I wanted to scream for my mum, but nothing came out. I felt like I was going to die any second, without anyone around me, I would die all alone.

A moment later, I started choking, but it caused me to breathe well again as coughs started to form. I couldn't stop coughing for a while and I quickly sat up. Sweat was dripping down my body and it wouldn't surprise me if there would appear a puddle around.

I coughed and coughed and the nausea filled my whole entire body, causing my food to go all the way up and leave my mouth for a few seconds long. The gross looking substance fell down on the floor right beside my bed and the smell of it made me even more nauseous.

"Mum! Mum!" I yelled.

Before I knew it, she was in my room and she rushed her way over to me. "Come here, love. You're okay, you're alright." She calmed me and started taking off my pajamas.

"Mum, I couldn't breathe." I wrapped my arms around her neck and laid my head on her shoulder. I needed her comfort.

She wrapped her arms around my bare but still sweating torso and she hugged me tight, pressing several kisses to my head. "You're alright baby."

"No, no, no, mum." I kept shaking my head and I hummed in shock, confusion and sadness as a tear rolled down my cheek without realizing it.

"Calm down sweetheart. I'm here. I won't leave you." She rubbed my back soothingly and I closed my eyes for a while.

I felt extremely confused and I was scared because of what had happened. I didn't really understand what happened as it went way too fast. I couldn't think clearly and it was driving me insane.

My grip around my mum became tighter and she noticed it. She started kissing my cheek softly and kept rubbing my back until I started to calm down a bit. My heart was still beating like crazy but I told myself to stay calm.


"I'm here." She replied softly, pressing more kisses to my face. "I'm always here, okay? Always."

I nodded and closed my eyes again, feeling myself finally completely relaxing because of her hug. Until she wanted to go away, "I'm going to clean your floor and then I have to make lunch."

I stared at her in confusion for a while, "But mum.. we're supposed to eat breakfast in the morning, right? What happened to my brain?"

My mum smiled at me and stroked my cheek softly, "Yes, but it's already afternoon. You slept a very long time, Zayn. And nothing is wrong with your brain."

"Then what happened, mum?" I said quietly as I wiped my eyes, still feeling strange because of the way I woke up. Only then I noticed I was at home and not in the hospital.

She stayed quiet for a while and stared at me. "It was probably just your saliva.. don't worry about it too much, okay? It's over. You're fine." She pressed a kiss to my forehead and I closed my eyes as she did so.

"Okay," I almost whispered. Then I realized something, "Did you give Rose something to eat and where did she sleep? She's still here right, mum? Where's she?"

I fell asleep after dinner as I wanted to take a small nap in bed, but never woke up until now, much more than 12 hours later. I couldn't believe I had slept that much but I did know that I was very tired. This caused that I didn't give Rose a home tour, didn't bring her to the room she would sleep in, and couldn't give her food even if it was my mum's job. Now that I was home I felt the need to take care of her instead of that she would take care of me.

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