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"Did you take your medication, Zayn?" The nurse stepped inside my room while I was changing so I quickly sat down on my bed and gave her a look. I wasn't pleased with the fact that she came inside without knocking.

"Yes I did, good night." I was lucky that I was at least wearing my underwear, but I still hated how she didn't knock. Sure, I was in a hospital but it still meant I had privacy. She closed all of the curtains, switched off the lights and closed the door behind her, making my room completely dark.

I sighed and horizontally lied down on my bed, my feet still placed on the floor. It was Saturday today but my parents didn't come by as they would pick me up on Monday. I had been extremely bored and lonely the past few days as Rose wasn't here either.

No one visited me and I couldn't help and feel alone. Spending all your days in a hospital wasn't fun at all, though I'd never really admit it.

It was late but I couldn't sleep. The nurse made my room dark without even asking me and the noises on the hallways were really bothering me for some reasons. Maybe it was because of the chemo I had had this week. They were probably kicking in just now, causing me to not really feel well and alone.

I stared up at the ceiling and drew circles with my finger on my bare chest. I wanted to talk to Rose. I knew she would make me feel less alone and I might be able to fall asleep.

I flipped over on my belly and reached for my phone which I had left next to my pillow. I debated if I should call her or not, due to the time. Maybe she was asleep, but what if she wasn't?

I told her to call her anyway and maybe I could tell her what she needed for her stay at my house because I still hadn't told her. That's when I decided to call her.

If she didn't have time, she'd let me know. I laid down on my back again and smiled when I saw her name, which I had changed to 'Dawson'. I pressed on the phone icon and held it up to my ear.

I heard how she was receiving my call and not much later someone picked up, "Good evening, Rose West speaking?"

I smiled. I hadn't contacted her yet, so she didn't know it was my number. "Hey, it's Jack. Jack Dawson."

"Hey, Zayn." She chuckled. The sound of it made me sigh happily.

"Hey, Rose." I replied. I couldn't stop smiling. She made me forget how dark my room was, how I felt alone and she made me forget about the bothering noises on the hallways.

"What's up?" She was clearly waiting for me to tell her why I called her, but did I have a reason? Not really. I just wanted to feel less alone and talk to her.

I pulled my knees up and played with the waistband of my boxers, "Nothing. You?"

"Same actually. Just got into my bed and now I'm calling with you." Her voice sounded slightly different on the phone, but it was still as sweet as ever.

"Nice. Did you have a good day?" I asked while I was still smiling. She made me so happy, it was unbelievable.

I heard some rumbling noises in the background and I heard her say something to someone before she answered me, "Sorry, brothers. Anyway, I had to babysit my baby cousin for the whole day and after that I did some schoolwork. What about you?"

I chuckled, "Wish I could relate." I said, referring to the brother part. "That doesn't sound too bad. I didn't do anything at all, except for another scan I had in the afternoon."

"Oh! How'd it go?" She asked genuinely, something I loved about her. She was always interested in everything.

I shrugged, "The usual. Didn't really like it." I flipped over on my belly again and put my phone on speaker, laying it down in front of me while I held myself up on my elbows. I rested my chin in my hands and stared at the wall full of cards, letters and drawings.

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