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Tomorrow was Christmas and Zayn's friends decided to come by today. Trisha didn't think it was a good idea at first as Zayn wasn't well, but she figured he needed some fun.

So while Zayn's friends were coming over soon, me, Doniya and Trisha decided to prepare things for tomorrow as their whole family would be coming over. Though, she still wasn't as quite sure about it.

"Maybe we just need to cancel the whole family.. I mean, look at him." Trisha pointed at her son on the couch.

He was far away in his sleep with a slight frown visible on his forehead. He was drugged with his medication and painkillers as he had told us his bones and muscles hurt. He was completely out and I wondered when he was ever going to wake up.

Doniya sighed, "It will be fine mum. They want to see him and he wants to see them. They haven't seen each other in so long and besides, if he doesn't feel well he can also go upstairs and get in bed."

"Yeah.. you're right, I guess." She sighed softly then looked at me. "What do you think, Rose? You're still the nurse after all. Do you think it's a good idea?"

I bit the inside of my cheek thoughtfully and looked at him for a while. "Well, if he wants to see them, then I would let him do it but then he needs to promise he will tell us on time when he's had enough and needs rest. He cannot ask too much from his body at this moment. Overcharging isn't good."

Trisha nodded and smiled slightly, "Thank you, Rose. Then we will let it be. I hope he will eat something at our Christmas dinner, but I have chicken which is his favorite. It'll be fine." She mumbled the last part to herself.

I felt sad for Trisha. I couldn't imagine what it would be like if your own child looked like this, so sick and so vulnerable. And there was sadly nothing you could do to make him feel or become better.

"Rose, would you like to make some dough for the cookies we will bake?" Doniya asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, sure." I smiled. I grabbed all of the ingredients and started adding them one by one into a blue bowl.

Slowly, my thoughts started to run. I had been here for a few days and I was really enjoying all of it, even if Zayn wasn't included in most of the things I did. His family was extremely sweet, seeing the way they all took care of each other and they way they acted around and to each other. I appreciated it. They included me into everything and I noticed how warm his family was.

His mother could talk the whole evening, she was really chatty and warm-hearted, always asking me if I was okay and if I got everything I needed. She took care of me like I was her own daughter and I had never met someone like her before. Zayn really needed a mother like her, especially through his sickness. Even though he sometimes thought she was being overprotective, she was still his mother, she couldn't always help it.

Zayn's dad, on the other hand, was the complete opposite of Trisha. He was a man of just a few words. He didn't talk a lot. He was more to observe and process everything in his mind. Though, I could tell that he was a very loving father just the way he looked at his children. He didn't really say much to Zayn either, but the way he pressed his hand to the sick guy's cheek told us all enough.

All three of his sisters were much alike when it came to their personalities. They were all super sweet, caring and funny. Though, Waliyha still didn't really know how to react to Zayn sometimes. They told me she didn't know how to act because of his sickness. She couldn't help but think about him passing away when he wasn't feeling too well. It was sad.

"Rose?" Doniya dragged me back to reality and I looked up from the bowl.


Doniya smiled and pointed at the living room. "Zayn's awake. He was asking for you. You can bring the bowl to the couch, don't worry."

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