thirty eight | superheroes & the past

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(Song for the end of the chapter)


The reason why I awoke was the alarm clock that blared through my ears, startling me as it was quite rare that I had to wake at a specific time here in the hospital. Squinting my eyes, I pressed it off, smiling lightly. For Rose, I'd do it.

It was currently half past one at night, the department was engulfed in quietness by the sleeping patients. Carefully getting out of bed, I changed into some sweatpants and a tee-shirt, pulling my beanie over my bald head. Brushing my teeth, I quietly left my room once I was done, knowing she would be in the living room to do some schoolwork, something she usually did on her night shifts.

My eyes fell onto the beautiful girl instantly, making a smile grow onto my face. I had been right. Her head was in her hand, her elbow resting on the table as she was playing with her pencil. It seemed she couldn't concentrate on her schoolwork, making me wonder if she was tired.

"Rose." I whispered, not meaning to startle her in a way or wake the other patients that were still sleeping. It would be quite rare, but I didn't want to take any risks.

Rose looked up right away, a soft smile making its way onto her face. "Zayn, hey. I've been waiting for you."

"You were?" I gulped, but covered it up right away, not wanting to let her know that she made me blush, and that she had been the only person so far who had made me blush in a way like this before.

She removed her hand from under her chin, smiling widely. "Yeah, let's go." I watched her as she left her schoolwork just like that, walking over towards the elevator. For a moment, I was confused, but when I simply followed her inside and she pressed onto the button that led to the eighth floor, I understood and smiled by myself, turning my face away from her.

It was only a brief moment of silence later when the elevator beeped, letting us know we had arrived. Once the door had opened, the both of us quickly got out and ran through the hallways into the complete darkness. Adrenaline kicked in, Rose laughed quietly. I was glad the nurses hadn't seen us, they would make sure we wouldn't ever do it again if they found out.

Opening the creaky door of the old hospital room, I switched on the lights and sat down on the bed, feeling rather tired after the intensive running. Opening the blinds from the skylight, Rose switched off the lights again as the moon and the stars had enough lights itself.

Rose lied down beside me, her dark eyes meeting the starry night. "Can't ever get used to this. It's so pretty." She sighed contently.

"Just like you." I whispered so quietly, that I coughed when she turned her face to me. Turning my sitting position to lying down beside her, with a friendly space still between us, I pretended nothing had happened.

"Did you say something?" Rose's expression was skeptical, it looked sweet, in a way.

Chuckling softly, I pretended to be confused. "I didn't say anything, Rose." Facing the ceiling, I gazed at the deep dark sky, that was full of tiny sparks- the stars. The moon was nearing to be full completely, it was enough to make a circle out of it. It was bright, but unlike the sun, I loved how we could look into it without getting blinded.

"Oh." Rose smiled warmly, but her eyes stood playful. "I thought I heard you say something."

"What?!" I sat up, instantly, looking at her with wide eyes. "You heard a voice? It could've been the voice of the old man or lady who died here years ago!" I exclaimed, looking around me with my eyes still wide.

Rose's hand smacked my arm, making me look at her. I could barely hold back my laughter at the distressed expression her face had. "Don't do that! I mean it, if you do it again I will never go back to here anymore." She groaned lightly, giving me a warning look.

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