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Rose's dress


"Rose! Rose! It's Christmas!" Safaa yelled as she ran into my room and woke me up.

I wondered what time it was, but without knowing the actual time I knew it was early. She was a six years old- super excited kid for Christmas after all. I chuckled, removed my hair from my face and dangled my legs over the edge of the bed after removing the covers.

"I'm going to wake up Zayn!" She yelled again, running out of my room and bouncing on Zayn's door. My eyes widened and I quickly walked over to her.

I removed her little arms from Zayn's door but she had already opened it. "He has a fever, babe. You can wake him up quietly." I suggested sweetly.

Safaa smiled cheekily at me, showing her little teeth and she walked over to Zayn. I leaned against the doorpost and watched him as he was sleeping, his bare chest showing.

He had been throwing up a lot last night. I woke up from all the noises coming from the bathroom and I had stayed with him for as long as it took him to empty his stomach. He had held my hand for the whole time as he didn't feel well at all. When he could finally lie in bed again without throwing up, I had tucked him in as he had been shivering.

I felt so sorry for him and I hated that there was nothing to do to make him feel better. Though, he told me several times he was very thankful that I had stayed with him. I was rather tired, but it was worth it.

"Zayn!" She whisper- screamed into his ear, causing Zayn to stir in his sleep and open his eyes slowly, smiling instantly yet weakly when he saw his little sister.

"It's Christmas!" She yelled and Zayn slowly pressed his hand to her mouth to stop her from yelling so loud.

"Go wake Wali and Don instead." He said slowly and quietly. Just now I heard how exhausted he sounded and it made me feel concerned. His eyelids were already closing while Safaa had not even left his room yet.

When she ran off to her sisters rooms, I stayed in Zayn's room for a while and it didn't take him long to fall back asleep. Very soft snores were heard and I quietly closed his door, returning back to my room to get ready for the day.

I decided to wear my black and white striped dress for once since it was Christmas and I usually never wore one. I just wasn't the dress type of girl, but when I wore one- my mum would go all crazy how good it looked on me and how she wished I wore them more. I was just never feeling it.

I let my long hair down after brushing it and I applied some very light makeup. Walking over to Zayn's room, I heard he was still fast asleep. I sighed a little and went downstairs where I met all of his family members already.

"Oh, look at you! Aren't you just so beautiful?" Trisha complimented as she eyed me from up to down.

Her compliment made me feel warm and I gave her a smile, "Thank you, Trisha." I sat down at the table where she had prepared a delicious looking breakfast and his sisters gave me a few compliments too before she did a quick prayer.

"So, we usually do the few presents in the morning but since Zayn's not feeling well we decided to do it when he's better. It's not nice to not include him into this." Trisha told me as she had probably already discussed this with the other girls.

I nodded my head and took a sip of my apple juice, "I understand.. yeah, he's not any better sadly." I sighed sadly, remembering him from last night.

"No.. I heard the both of you last night. He got it pretty bad. I felt like helping but I heard you were doing an amazing job so I didn't want to bother you." She smiled sweetly.

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