Part One: June-44

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“Where are you going?” I stopped and and slowly turned, prepared to spout something about my newness and need of a nurse when I saw Derek (the soccer one) smiling at me, “Up to no good miss Riley?”

            “Of course not,” I laughed a little, looking right into his eyes, “I was just looking for the nurses office.”

            “In the woods?” He raised one eyebrow, glancing around at the trees.


            “Riley,” He chuckled and slowly walked forward, closer and closer to me, “you have to learn to lie better if you want to throw a spy off your tail.”

            “I wasn’t-“

            “You were.” A wry smile played on his face as he watched me take in the distance between us. There wasn’t much.

            “I wasn’t though,” I swalled my fear with a gulp, “I just thought there was a path here.”

            “Sure,” He leaned over until his lips were right by my ear, I held my breath as his whispers vibrated my ear “but I just saw Hunter and Cassidy walk through here. And Earlier I saw you exiting right after them. Cout in the fact that you’re a spy and…”

            “And?” I breathed out.

            “That means you’re up to no good.” He stepped back suddenly, a wide grin on his face. "Catch you later Riley.”

            I stood frozen, stunned by his closeness and his words. Spies do catch on fast and I already risked being caught by Hunter and Cassidy. They were already suspicious of me so it probably wouldn’t be very good when the inevitable happened and I was caught.

            “There’s a solar powered video survalence system in the tech cabin workshop,” Derek’s voice brought me out of my thoughts, and I looked at his walking further into the woods, “it might help.”

            “Wait!” I called, jogging to catch up with him as he tool a quick turn behind a tree. However, when I got there, he had already disappeared.

            “I have to get back to her,” Hunter’s voice stopped me from continueing my search for Derek, “She thinks I’m getting the nurse for her.”

            “Does she?” Cassidy’s rasp entered, “And remember to tell Bigland to come find me.”

            I decided it was probably best for me to leave the forest immeadiately.




Again, appologies for the shortness and the lack of updates, my laptops screen driver (what ever the heck that is) broke and I had to got to the geek squad and all this complicated crap. Anyways, had to go to the library to do this and I only have an hour a day for that thing so I had to read a little bit and write and it took awhile. BUT, the peoples of ASUS say they shall return my laptop in a couple days so fingers crossed!!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2012 ⏰

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