Part One: June-37

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I ate only some of my dinner before I left for action. Hunter is definately seeing Cassidy after he leaves the cabin all the way across from mine. I assume that is Perry’s. I took a deep breath and walked out the door calmly and at a leasurely pace. I realized that spy’s catch on real quick, just like me. If I run to the forrest, I can guarentee someone will follow me.

            I didn’t start running until I heard the crunch of leaves underneath my feet and I didn’t stop until I was right underneath the large pine.

            “Hunter,” came a sigh very close. Shoot, I would never be able to climb this thing in time! Panic running through blood, I looked around for a hiding spot. Maybe I should stay in the open and pretend to be just taking a walk? But then they wouldn’t meet here and then where would I go for information?

The Rock...

            “Riley?” a voice echoed off the walls.

            I was in a cold, dark, and damp place. A flop of wavy hair covered my right eye, but my left zoned in on the small crack of light.

            “Riley?” the voice slipped through the cracks and into my ears, “It’s supper time!”

            I didn’t move. I only listened harder, hearing the foot steps come closer and closer...pause. They stopped and I could see them in the light. Two dark sneakers and two thick, freckled ankles.

            And then they kept walking.

            I blinked and found myself in a simular situation. I was underneath the rock that sat by the pine.

            “Cass,” Hunter started, “She’s here on languages. That’s not much of a bad ass..”

            “Wait,” Her voice was sharp and full of authority, “Which languages does she speak?”

            “She says alot. But I know she speaks spanish, itailian, french, and finnish. She may know two or three more.” He sighed. It was a little too quiet. “Why that face?”

            “Remember how my mom gave me her file?” pause, “Well, her high school was listed there and her past courses. It only teaches french, itailian, and spanish. Also, she took none of those classes. That should mean she knew them prior to high school but there was nothing on her other schools or information that says she was intructed in a language course.”

            “Hmm. That is strange. I’ll look into that, but it may not be that much. What else did the file say?”

            “Not much,” Cassidy sighed, “So, what did you two love birds talk about in the observation room?”

            “We’re not love birds,” I almost laughed, he whined like a little boy.

            “Sure,” She spat sarcasm.

            “Anyways,” he coughed, “In her extra exam, she was being persued by Alan and Grand. And.....she was successful.”

            “...Grand?” Cassidy’s words were slightly hurt.

            “Cass are you-?”

            “I’m fine.” Her bitterness was so strange compared to her normally calm composure. “what was that?”

            “What was what?”

            “Stay here....”

            I heard the rustling of trees and a large thump. Next thing I know, a squirrel runs underneath the rock and sat next to me. Biting my lip, I tried to hold in my scream. You know, if a squirrel bites you, you could get rabies?

            “It was just a squirrel,” Cassidy reports. I’m glad I wasn’t able to climb back up the tree in time. “Is there anything else you found out?”

            “Well, I asked her to find Casper for me...”

            “I’ve heard,” pause “I..uh..stopped by your team cabin for a visit”

            “I’m not invading your territory, you can stay away from mine” Hunter grumbled.

            “That’s because you can’t get pass me. If you want a safer place keep a better gaurd.”

            “Anyways,” He sighed, “She found him.”


            “I know, I’m surprised to.”

            “But...but...there is a REASON why he is champion in the hide and seak contest every year!”

            “Yes, but apparently that won’t stop her from finding him.”

            There was a tight silence, I almost thought they left. A light scraping of a foot across the ground was the only sign they still stood only feet away from my rock.

            “You don’t think....” Cassidy’s voice was so small, weak, and hesitent.

            “No, we would have known.” Hunter’s was firm, tight, but ultimately unsure.

            “Do you want to meet back here after tomorrow’s first year exams?”

            “Course Cass.” His voice returned to his cheerful boom.

            “Same time,” Her voice eased back into confedience.

            “Same place,” He finished.

            Not even a scuff of a shoe sounded, but I know they left. They went just like the wind.

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