Part One: June-25

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They pulled me outside of the room, up a set of twisty stairs and into a small closet sized room, the floor was clear. Beneath me, I could see seven moore campers in the middle of their exam. Two were done, another finishing, and the other four completely freaking out.

            “Whoa,” I gasped, watching as a girl finished fixing her projector.

            “This is where captins and others observe a campers skills,” Hunter whispered beside me, “Which, by the way, you did an excelent job.”

            “Thank you.” I blushed, watching Mr. Janks stop everyone from working and layed out seven papers. Two recived an eight, one a seven, the rest didn’t pass.

            “Well,” Hunter smiled, the students flowing out of the room beneath me. “I want to discuss that exam you took with the dean...”

            I looked over at Cassidy, who stood a few feet away from us. She held her chin high and her shoulders pushed back. She looked at me with her cold steel eyes and I scrunched my eyebrows. Should I be speaking about this with her around?

            “Cassidy,” Hunter interrupted my thoughts, his eyes bore straight through me. Then he turned to see Cassidy. “This is a private meeting.”

            “What!?” She crossed her arms, “I want to hear this too.”

            “Well, I know we are close and all,” He ran a hand through his hair, “But this is a blue team only thing.”

            She glared at me and opened the door. Then she turned around looked at hunter. Knocking three times before leaving.

            Olly olly oxen free! A child’s voice rang through my head. A flash of a brunete knocking on an oak tree, then, like the wave of an ocean, it dissapered.

            The door clicked closed.

            “So, you were in paris,” He said, sitting down in one of the chairs against the wall, “What happened, who were you chasers?”

            “Well,” I walked over to him and sat down next to him, “There were two, both guys.”

            “How old?”

            “Uh, I would guess between 19 and 22?” I thought back to thier faces. Their hair. Their hieght. “One was wearing a blue shirt, the other a green. The one with the blue shirt had blonde hair and was at least six feet. The other other one, he had sandy hair that was kind of long. He was only about five six or so. And they were both muscular.”

            “I think I know who you are talking about,” Hunter said rubbing his chin. “The sandy haired one, was he wearing a rope necklace with a shell on it?”

            I closed my eyes and imagined myself back in front of that gorgeous black dress. The smile that was growing as I noticed the two boys looking at me. The way my eyes widened when I heard what they were talking about. Another glance and I could see the rope around the green one’s neck.

            “Was it an oyster shell?” I asked, opening my eyes once again.

            “Yes, That’s Grand and the blonde would be Alan.” He shook his head. I looked down, another batch of students, all of who just as confused as I am.

            “But why would you take your first exam ever with them?” I herd Hunter whisper.

            “What’s so special about them?” I asked, dragging my eyes away from the seven students about to fail.

            “Oh, nothing,” He smiled and stood, “Lets get back to the other first years.”

            I sighed and followed him to the door. I hate not knowing things. It really bothers me, itching at the back of my mind.

            Olly olly oxen free! Went through my head once again. The tree, a small girl knocking and laughing. She’s safe from the game. She won.

            The tree. Was Cassidy trying to get Hunter to meet her at the tree again?

            “Well, I’ll see you at you next exam,” He ruffled my hair, “It’s computers, are you any good with those?”

            “Kind of,” I mumbled, still  lost in my thoughts. Looking a little right of Hunter, I noticed Cassidy leaning against the wall by a door.

            “I’ll be there to support you, but I should get going. I need to talk to a few people.” He waved and then walked towards Cassidy. They both left through the door and into the light.

            I wonder if they are talking about me right now. Or maybe they are going to have a meeting at the tree again.

            I guess I will have to take a walk after my exams to find out.

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