Part One: June-16

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Walking into my cabin, I’m not sure of exactly what I was expecting, but the place definitely was not it. It wasn’t high tech like the building Cassidy left me at and yet it wasn’t that normal expectation that the cafeteria was. The celling was high and a chandelier hung in the middle. Although the outside was log, the inside had smooth, baby blue walls. There were paintings at the other end of the wall that were hung at different hieghts. The would floor had mismatched rugs and two bunk beds were places side by side in the left corned. There was no windows and two pale white doors. An old couch, a couple dressers, a tv from the 90’s, and a tarnished dining room set took up the rest of the space.

“Dasha?” Zoe asked quietly. A girl, who I presumed was Dasha, turned around with a surprised look on her face.

Dasha had thick brown tresses pulled back in a messy and loose french braid. A few dark locks fell into her equally dark eyes. Both were so bold in contrast to her pale skin and rassberry lips. She had oval face and a strong jaw. Her chin had that rare cleft to it, a feature that strengthens the face and her long neck. Her body was curvy in that tough bad a** way. Her nose also curved with a sharp corner. She was beautiful and….reminded me of Cassidy and the Dean.

“Is this the replacement?” She asked, not taking her eyes off of me.

“Yes,” Zoe looked down, “And I knew the plan but I met her before I knew her cabin number and, well I feel bad at how confused she is! Its not like she can just assume I’m a mean person because I was already ni-“

“Hush up,” Missy rasped, she sat at the table, her bangs falling around her face, “We know…”

“I think we need to have a Cabin meeting,” Dasha said, laying a peircing glare at me, “Why don’t you go take a walk?”

“O-Okay,” I said, intimadated by the girl, “I’ll be back in an hour or two I guess….”

I watched as Zoe and Jade walked over to the round wooden table, feeling completely left out. Zoe looked back at me, her eyes a little sad.

“Keep away from Cassidy…” She told me. I nodded and turned around. I went back through the door and out onto the porch.

The cabin was placed in circle with thirteen others, serving as a boarder and a home. The pale dirt was like sand up to the grassy tuff at the center and the woodsy area surrounding the site. A blue flag waved high on a pole, right in the center of it all. Zoe explained to me earlier how that was the flag we were to hide, guard, protect, and pass around after the first two days of oreintaion.

With a large sigh I stepped off of the porch and headed to the forrest, hoping for something interesting.

It wan’t much, just your average forrest. There were a few pines, a couple oaks, a familly of maple trees loungeing around on the dirt and moss carpet. I herd a little brooke gurgle like a baby in the distance. Birds fletted back and forth between the trees as I walked underneath them, creating flashes of shadow against the patches of the evening sky.

My eys caught on one large pine tree, standing tall by the space of a fallen oak. The long grass below it swayed in the breeze, the blades hit a large rock. A rock that could give me a lift to the brach closest to the ground. I walked to the tree and found its neadles were quite thick and made spotting someone nearly impossible.

Somewhere, deep in my mind, something told me to climb that tree. I listened and stepped up on the rock. Reaching high up, I grabbed the first branch and pulled my self up. In a few miunutes, I scrambled up the tree and sat comfortably on a branch. With a deep breath, I decided to close my eyes and take a quick cat nap.

My eyes snapped open. There was movement not natural to the forest. Footsteps that shuffled the leaves around below me. I hadn’t even herd anyone approaching me. They must have been so silent.

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