Part One: June-14

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Zoe jumped and pounced at the dark haired girl.

            “Give me the wrench!” she yelped and reached her skinny arm towards the wrench.

            “Back off Zoe,” Jade snarled back, “She could be from the yellow team!”

            “I know she isn’t!” Zoe stomped her foot and tugged on the wrench, “I was there when she registered! She is on the blue team!”

            “Either way, she doesn’t get scanned for clearence until tomorrow,” She said, letting go of the wrench and catching Zoe by the elbow, “So how did she get in?”

            “Um….” I looked between the two girls, they were now whispering intently to each other in Japanese. Suddenly, Zoe’s face turned solem and similar to Jades.

            “What cabin are you in?” She asked me, without the girly emotion I had gotten use to hearing from her.

            “uh….number 4?” I answered, looking down at my papers.

            They went back to whispering to each other in the language I never understood. Something began to itch in the center of my mind, growing and scratching to break free. Denying the pleads and attacks of my growing headache, I reached for the spot. Growing closer and closer to the image of a bright blue light and a strawberry blonde man wearing dark sunglasses.

            “Let’s go Riley,” Zoe said, bringing me back to the present. “We should go get lunch. You can meet Missy while were there.”

            “Missy?” I asked, stepping towards them.

            “A girl in our Cabin” Jade answered, walking ahead.

            “Cabin number four,” Zoe stated callously as she grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room through the steam. They walked fast, I was tripping trying to keep up, when we made our way to a large stone building with kids from all different hieghts. Jade cursed under her breath and grabbed Zoes arm. They marched forward, trying to get through the wall of people.

            And somewhere, squashed inbetween seven towering boys, Zoe’s hand dissapered from my arm. I felt as if the crowd just swallowed me whole, it pulsed and pounded against me trying to digest me. I felt like hyperventalaiting, it scarred me and my mind summoned images of news reporters and their discriptions of people trampled at concerts. I whimpered and looked up at one of the tall guys, they were as tall as Hunter and surely I was out of their line of vision. They would never notice if they stepped on me.

            “Hey,” A tall blonde girl murrmered beside me, “Follow me.”

            I nodded and latched my self to her arm. She gently pulled me out of the crowd and towards an organized line. She soothed me with cooing sounds and I gave a final sniff before thanking her.

            “Your welcome,” She smiled and continued with her southern accent, ‘I’ve seen people swallowed by that hole before and you looked scarred. It was only the right thing to do to help you out. I’m Missy by the way, Blue team.”

            “I’m Riley, I’m on the blue team too,” I sniffed and smiled weakly. Missy was beautiful, blonde, tan, blue eyed, and an all american girl in her blue jean shorts and Lumber Jack shirt.

            “Is this your first year here?” She questioned, smiling boldly at me while moving up in the line.

            “Yes,” I answered and stepped forward as well.

            “It’s my sixth year here,” She said, pulling her left foot behind her, “I can show you around if you want.”

            “that would be nice,” I said and remembered Cassidy, “As long as you don’t leave me at a building alone like my last tour guide did.”

            “Who was your last tour guide?” Missy said, suddenly worried.

            “Cassidy James?” I tilted my head in confusion, “She was really nice, but she had to see her friends so she-“

            “Quick!” She dropped her foot and put both hands on my shoulders, “What did you tell her?”

            “Um, nothing much,” my eyes went wide, “Just where I went to school and my classes is all.”

            “Good,” She sighed and stepped back, “She is the Captin of the yellow team, you are on the blue team. You shouldn’t speak with her.”

            “Why? She seemed nice,” I said.

            “Yeah,”She scoffed, “She was just trying to get a file on you so she could win the extra points for best file and use somethings as black mail. Be careful around here Riley, spies are ruthless. Only trust your cabin mates and put a loose tie between you and your team mates, And expecially don’t speak to the yellow team. They are your number one enemy here.”

            “Oh,” I looked down as we were finnally to the food part of the line. I grabbed a tray and began piling it with different types of food.

            I can’t belieave that is fell for Cassidy’s tricks. She seamed so cool though, and I felt such a real bond. How do I know that Missy isn’t lying about this whole thing? Maybe she is the ruthless one.

            Then I remember the steel grey eyes tingling with annoyance and her radient smile becoming fake. Maybe that was not because of her friends, maybe it was from the aggrivation of getting limited information out of me. What a witch.

            “Oh,” Missy jumped up as we left the line insearch of a table, “What cabin are you in? Eight or twelve or something?”

            I looked to my left to see Jade and Zoe, Jade caught my eyes and began moving forward.

            “I’m in Cabin four,” I said, looking up to Missy, whose jaw dropped, “With Those two actually.”

            “Riley!” Zoe said, smiling her wide smile with her thin lips, “I was so worried! We thought we lost you in the crowd and you were trampled! Oh and you’ve found Missy too! I’m glad you are o-“

            “Zoe!” Jade scolded and her smile dissapeared back to the uncarring line. Jade looked at Missy’s face, watery eyes and an open mouth, “I’m guessing you met her before you learned she’s the replacement?”

            “Yeah…” Missy said, looking down, her face fallen from her prior happiness, “I think I’m going to eat this in the cabin and wait for Dasha.”

            “Okay, we’ll see you there,” Jade nodded, squinting here eyes at me.

            I watched Missy scurry away with her tray, her long blonde hair flipping, flicking, and shimering about. Then I turned back to the girls and looked to them for answers. Never before have I felt so lost and confused. I looked to Zoe, her façade fell into concered eyes and then to Jade, whose green eyes reflected the world back. Empty and hard like a mirror trying to fill itself.

            “I’ll explain over lunch, come on,” Zoe sighed, earning another look from Jade,” I’ve already met her and she deserves to know! She is in the cursed spot!”

            “Cursed spot?” I asked, eyebrows scrunched together. But the two already moved in sequence towards the table. Leaving me to chase after them.

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