Part One: June-13

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“See?” the voice boomed, its shadow looming over me, “the way the lines curve and cross? That is how you write cute  in Japan.”

            “Kawaii!” a higher pitched child’s voice giggled, rushing from my own throat.

            “Subarashii shigoto, Riley!” A chuckle emerged, now sounding as if I was under water easedropping on people, “Your learning fast!”

            “Japanese is fun!” another giggle echoed, bounceing from my throat to my head and bouncing around my brain.

            “Do you want to practice Russian, Riley Girl?” The deep voice was becoming smoother and smoother…


            “Riley Girl….”




            I jumped up, hitting my head on the window. I scowled and then glared at Hunter. I remembered the gas mask and glared harder.

            “Why did you knock me out?” I whispered and growled at the same time.

            “I had orders,” He answered calmly, “and you can’t see how to get to the camp. So I knocked you and Perry out.”

            I looked in the back seat to see the shy boy, his dark hair smooshed, his mouth slightly open, and a tiny wheeze squezzing into the air.

            “But were here now,” Hunter shrugged and took his keys out of the ignition. I looked out of the truck window and saw a circle of wooden cabins, large and robust, arranged in a circle. The paths were covered in sandy dirt and two exits/entrances sat on opposite ends of the circle. In the middle of it all, a large statue stood proud, glisting with gold leaf. Her beautiful wavy hair tumbled down from a helmet and she held a sheild and sword. Underneath her radient form, the camp slogan was splayed in latin. Her name was etched neatly above it, Columbia. “Your only looking at the administer district, where the people who run the place are. Just wait till you see the rest of it. But come on, lets register.”

            “What about Perry?” I asked as he got my seat belt off. “Should we wake him?”

            “No, he’s probably a little angry right now,” He popped open his door, jumped down, and turned back towards me, “Besides, he has been here several years, he knows what to do and where to go.”

            “Oh,” I said and opened my own door to jump down. I tripped and landed right on my face. “Ow.”

            I layed there for a few seconds, still a little lazy from the unconcious ride, and herd food steps. I assumed it was Hunter and sighed.

            “Oh my god!” A clearly female voice shrieked, “Are you okay? Do you have an anerism? Are you hurt? Did you break anything? Can you see? Can you hear? Are you brea-“

            “I’m okay!” I said while popping up, not wanting to worry the girl in front of me. She seemed to calm down as I brushed myself off. “I was just a little sleepy from whatever gas was usesd on me.”

            “Oh, am I glad,” The girl laughed and blushed. She was about an inch taller then myself and had a similar pale complecion, freckles and all. She had mousy brown hair that wisped down from her shoulders like feathers and dark green eyes that rested behind her thinly framed glases. Everything about her was thin, her angular body, her long nose, her pink mouth, and even her slender face. “I was really worried about you.”

Bad A** (UNEDITIED RAW VERSION)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon