Part One: June-6

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My stomache grumbled and I looked to Hunter. He ate the last sandwhich in the cooler a few hours ago and there were no chips left.

“Hunter?” I asked kindly.


“Is it possible if we could stop for food?” I smiled for added cuteness affect.

“Yeah I guess,” He sighed, obviously tired of driving, “I’m pretty hungry too. Next place we see, we’ll stop there.”

I opened my eyes and serched for signs of food. In about three minutes, a large neon sign popped up, displaying Clayton’s in blue cursive.

“Foooood!!!” I whined and pointed to the sign. Hunter laughed and slowed down. I looked in the mirror and the solstice was nowhere to be seen still. I smiled at this and tried to unbuckle my seatbelt.

“Sorry about that,” He said as he reached across me to where the lower belt feed into. He pulled a couple of times and his muscels tensed, his arm rubbed across my belly, until the the seat belt was loosed. When he pressed the red eject button, the seatbelt unbuckled easily and I hopped out of the car.

“Thankyou!” I yelled behind me as I sprinted into the stacato building, “I’ll be in the bathroom!”

Have you ever noticed that you don’t fully realize how much you need to go to the bathroom until your brain registers you are right by one? It’s like when you walk or stand for a long time, you never relize how tired you are until you sit down and your ankles hurt.

I washed my hands and left the ladies restroom, on my way down the hallway I herd two very familiar voices.

Again, easedropping is very wrong, I know that. However, I just can’t help myself. I’m curious.

“Look at that.” I herd Seth say, “Guys are already asking girls to Summer Serenade and Summer hasn’t even really begun.”

“That is ridiculous,” Ryan Tsk’s, “Maybe we should start thinking of dates..”

“Maybe we’ll meet someone on the beach,” Seth said, catching my breath.

Summer Serenade is something I never really went to, considering I don’t have friends nor have I ever went on a date. Wendy was going to bring me this year, but I really wouldn’t mind going with Seth. The event was something all Teens in Ridgewells county look forward to, a huge party in a park at the end of the summer. The local college kids, the high schoolears, and a few middle schoolers all go to the park and have the festival. There is always music, dancing, food, and games. At least, that is what Wendy told me.

“I was actually thinking about that chick who works at The Shack,” Ryan yawned, “She is hott and funny. Greatest combo ever.”

“Yeah,” Seth sighed.

“Still thinking about Riley?” Ryan chuckeled.

“Of course,” I smiled at that, I was on his mind, “I might actually ask her, and at the same time…”

“Saint,” Ryan commented.

“Exactly,” Seth complained, “How do you do date a girl like that? Its”

“Talking about Sex with Jesus,”

“Um, I guess,” Seth took a deep breath and let it out, “That is a F***ed up comparison, bro”

“Yeah, just like your face,” Ryan chuckled.

There was the sound of conflict and I decided that that was the last bit of useful information. I straighened my shoulders, lifted up my chin, puffed out my chest, and strutted out to face my doom. I can’t believe he won’t ask me because I am a saint. Of course, after this dinner he may not think so.

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