24: The Day I Had a Surprise in the OR

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Because you need to feel loved after breaking up with Emil... My conscience made me tear up. This was so messed up. I feel like a bitch thinking I might have done that. You crave for love because that fucking ex of yours cannot give you that and went to somebody else. I remembered Zeke's hurtful words and it corrupted my mind. I didn't know what to do. I was stuck. All I wanted was to feel love and look what I have gotten into. I broke up with Emil because he didn't trust me and I was afraid that getting back with him would only result to more heartbreak. I am with Zeke because I though he's the man better than Emil. Only to sense that he might be worse. He's been acting like an irrational boyfriend, has accused me of something I didn't do, tried to persuade me into something I don't want to do and hurt me more with his words. Was this the sign? Was this a factor I should consider in my relationship with Zeke? Not only do I have to think of us, I have to think about Geno. He might get affected because of my decisions. I sobbed as the indecisions crawled upon my soul like a dangerous disease slowly infecting its host. I hugged myself as I cried silently. Why do I always have so many wrong decisions in life? It's like it is following me wherever I go. I heard my door slowly open and I saw Lorie take a peek.

"Oh dear. What happened?" She asked as she entered my room. I wrapped my blanket around my body and wiped the tears away.

"How is Geno?" I asked in a shaky voice. She went to my side and sat on my bed.

"Don't worry. He's sleeping. Tell me. What happened?" Lorie asked again and I looked down on my blanket not wanting to see her expression.

"Zeke and I fought..."

"Again? Oh dear. Why?"

"Same reason. He's really jealous." I sniffed and I heard her drew out a breath.

"Did he hurt you?"

"Not physically." I replied and I massaged my right hand.

"How are you feeling?" I bit my lip at her question. How was I feeling? I felt regret, sadness, embarrassment of what he did earlier, anger and disrespect.

"He can't trust me. We'll be having our first anniversary soon and he's beginning to doubt me because I have talked to Emil. I only talked to him because he has news for me. I will talk to you about that news, Lorie, but not now. I still can't stop thinking about Zeke... Should I have even said yes to him when he asked me to be his girlfriend? I mean, I wanted to but now that I think of it, I acted impulsively because I wanted to feel loved once again..." I cried after that and Lorie hugged me. I felt lost. I felt like I was being choked by my feelings...

"Why do my daughters have to be victims with this kind of situation?" I heard her say as she stroked my uncombed hair. She retreated then looked directly into my eyes.

"You shouldn't make rash decisions now that you feel overwhelmed, Biya. Sleep now and then when you wake up, think this through, okay? I know it's hard when it comes to loving someone. Percyla has gone through that harsh reality of love. I have comforted her through the tough times and it pains me to see you go through it too. Loving someone is a risk, my dear, but if you have reservations, that is not true love. You must decide carefully for it affects what you will do next." She gave me a smile after that and stroked my jet black hair one more time before she stood up.

"Be brave with what you do, Biya. Not only will it affect you, your decision will also affect Geno now. If he hurts you again, I'll make sure he'll regret it. I have done it with Percyla's ex-husband. I will do it to you." She said before she left my room. I remember Percyla's ex-husband, Elijah. Per didn't know but her parents and Gio didn't let Elijah live his luxurious life ever again. With all the corruption they have discovered in his company, they talked to Elijah's business partners and revealed to them his dirty work. From then on, no one wanted to invest in Eli's company and it went bankrupt. We kept it a secret knowing Percyla has the heart of gold. She never wanted Elijah to suffer a lot. She just wanted him to feel and go through the legal consequences of his actions. Her family and husband, however, had set their minds to teach Eli not to get into the bad side of Moretti and De Luca family. Currently, Eli is behind bars paying for all his crimes. I guess, if ever Zeke hurts me, my family will always be there for me. The security I felt from Lorie's words made me smile and comforted me until I fell asleep.

My eyes fluttered open feeling like I have to do something. I was about to fall asleep again when I spotted my phone flashing and I immediately grabbed it. Someone was calling me and I didn't hear it because I put it on silent mode. It was from the hospital and I answered it quickly.

"Beatrice Kairis."

"Beatrice! Please come to the hospital immediately. I need you in 10 minutes. OR." Blaze told me and bolted out of my bed.

"Yes Doc! I'll be there." I said and I rushed to the bathroom to get ready. In 4 minutes, I was out of my room with my sling bag. I went inside Lorie's room where Geno was sleeping and kissed him goodbye.

"Huh? Biya? Why are you here? You should be sleeping." Paolo groggily said looking up at me.

"Got an emergency call. They need me in the hospital." I whispered at him and he nodded.

"Oh. Okay. Be careful, okay? It's just..." He looked at the clock.

"3 am." He finished.

"Yes Paolo. I will. I have to go. Please tell Lorie I have to go back there. Bye." I whispered and he bade his goodbye in a whisper so we won't wake Lorie and Geno up. I ran to the garage, started my sportscar and left the house in a hurry. I arrived at the hospital in about 2 minutes and was surprised to see a group of men all in black suits in the hallway. They gave way as I ran towards them. I swiftly moved and prepared myself for the operation. I met Blaze in the prep area getting ready for the operation.

"Dottore Blaze." I acknowledged him formally since it was his condition to call him Blaze only when we're inside the office or there are no patients around. He gave me the file as he began to explain.

"Hey. Patient has a liver failure and in need of a transplant. We have our donor and we need to do it now." He said and our team grew as they entered the room. We began discussing about our patient's condition. While we talked, I opened the folder and read the patient's profile.

Arnaldo Carini. My breath was caught upon reading his name. Oh my God! He is Emil's father! I was screaming inside my head. My heart dropped at the news and I became worried about Arnaldo. I passed the folder to Viv shakily and I began to move faster. When we were all done, we went out of the room and into the hallway. I began to jog and the group followed my hasty movement. We all looked like we were practicing for a marathon.

"Let's do this, people." Blaze's voice boomed once we entered the room and I saw Arnaldo lying unconsciously waiting for the organ transplant. Blaze came to my side as everybody got ready.

"I know he is the father of your ex but this is your job. I need my team to be present so snap out of it." He talked to me in a low voice before he approached the patient. We were about to operate Emilio Carini's father and never have I ever been flustered in my entire life until now. Why wouldn't I? I was about to attend the father of my ex- fiancé! I knew once we started the operation that this will get me into an awkward position but hey! I'm in the medical field. I should act professional at all times.

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