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"Yeah, sorry about that. Thanks anyway, hehehe"

The others soon followed with such comments and we were all having a great time! I, unusually, did not that shy; more like the others did not give me a chance to! They were all planning to skip the get-together to go have fun somewhere else. And I agreed to the plan because this meant that we would be away from the other boring people that I did not like, AT ALL! And what was more fun than having a little party with your close friends!? Nothing, right !?

"Hello guys. Oh hello there Chanyeol! I didn't see you!" Ah, there came one of the people that I really wanted to get away from : Tisha. 

Really ? 'I didn't see you' like, really girl ? Chanyeol was the most conspicuous one among ALL of us, as he was like the only tree among bushes! It was like not seeing the moon in a clear sky! That stupid comment made my eyes roll by themselves. How much more desperate could she get!? 

"What are you guys planning ? To be honest with you, I don't want to participate in that get-together today."

Oh my God, she overheard us talking! She was SO lying about that because she had been going on with being busy for today's preparations! WAIT... Could she have heard about me and Chanyeol too? If so, then that would have been of a great help! MAN HOW I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THE EXPRESSION OF DISAPPOINTMENT, DEFEAT AND DISBELIEF ON THAT WITCH'S FACE!!!

"We are going to hang out somewhere else too. What are you trying to say here, Tisha ? You want to join us ?" I retorted. She was being a pain, but I would do anything to see those 3 expressions on her face. She glared at me AND THERE THEY WERE!!!! At least, I saw shades of it! I swear I was enjoying this a little too much! I glanced at Chanyeol who was having some troubles in hiding his happiness too!

"Chanyeol, what are your plans ? I feel so lost here-"

"I will be with him all day so..." I cut her in her nonsensical talks and Chanyeol agreed with my statement by nodding. Oh my God, the disappointment in her eyes! HA- Oops! I almost laughed! She glared at me as if she was going to eat me alive! I glanced at Chanyeol, who was also looking at me. That was bad as we could have both burst out into laughter right then!! The both of us were trying really hard to control our laughter and my throat was hurting from that! WHEN WOULD I BE ABLE TO LAUGH ALREADY!?!?!?

"Oh I see. And what are you doing with her ?" She let out with a hint of disappointment in her duck-like voice.

"We are seeing each other now." Chanyeol let out. "Now, if you please excuse us, we will be heading our way now."

He grabbed my hand and we both walked as quickly as we could, to a place where she could neither see nor hear us! We were giggling along the way, making sure not to laugh already! My throat was in pain! I wanted to laugh so badly!! I turned back to see our friends and and they looked at us like they wanted to be out of there too! I waved to them then followed Chanyeol, who had run behind his jeep to laugh. I could no longer resist and we both laughed like mad!! I could see that expression on her face all day and would not get tired of it!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!

"Now what? What about our plans? " I managed to let out while catching my breath after this crazy laughing therapy!!

We started laughing like crazy again! My belly and my cheeks were hurting bad now! Chanyeol's face and ears had gone as red as tomatoes!!

After a few minutes, we finally calmed down! Wooow! It felt really good to laugh like that from time to time!

"It's still early. Why don't we go have lunch in that restaurant in the woods? You know, the one behind the tea factory? The one where we drank all sorts of flavours of tea?"

"Oh yeah I remember!! Yeah! Sounds like a plan to me! We must inform the others so that they can join-"

"Only the both of us will be going. I had already planned that with them", he said and smiled.
I simply smiled back. After all, I would not mind to have some time alone with him. But I must thank Tisha for making us laugh like that. I had forgotten about yesterday for a second. It was not like I wanted to forget it, but I was kind of anxious to be honest. After all, it was the first time that something like had happened between us...! And thanks to that witch, my mind had been eased up. At least she had done a good thing in her life, although not really meaning it.

"Okay. Hey, you forgot to put some music!" I exclaimed. It was quite a long way from college and without music, the ride would have SO boring! He turned on the speakers and put on some Nickelback songs. Ah, now I felt that this was going to be an enjoyable ride. I was feeling SO relaxed. We both sang along the way, as usual. Ahhh, I really felt so peaceful, so light, so calm... I did not even realise when we reached the tea factory. We still had some way to go as the restaurant was found on the high lands, in the woods behind the factory. Along the way, we saw a herd of deer grazing in a clearing, just like before. They got scared by the sound of the jeep when we came closer to them. They ran into the woods right away, hehehehe... their natural instincts warned them to do so.... Ah, natural instincts...

We finally arrived at the entrance of the restaurant. We had a beautiful view on the surrounding vegetation and the sea nearby. The mountain behind us was as majestic as ever. And the wind caressing my cheeks softly, cooled me off after the quite long ride. I really loved this place! However, I had the feeling that that was the calm before the storm... but what storm ?? Just then, I realised that Chanyeol had yet to tell me what he had planned for me...! What if that was why he wanted just the both of us here ? Or what if he was going to make me do some humiliating stuff HERE!? I knew it! Everything was going all too well after what happened yesterday. I glanced at him and he was smiling brightly. HA! Things was not sounding that good for me...!

"So, shall we go ?"

My close friendTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang