A Walk Down Memory Lane (1)

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There had been many incidents that have made us go through a lot of emotions. We surely have had the most eventful holiday in our life. Oh and if you guys are wondering about what happened to us the other day, let me tell you that nothing much happened. We reached safely, although we had been somewhat emotionally bruised, but a good night of sleep healed it all. However, as I expected, my back hurt like HELL! Chanyeol had been in the same situation with his legs. He told me that they were so cold that it pained to even move! Mom was not as angry as I had thought she would be, after I told her everything that had happened-well, almost everything. I had realised that I have been keeping a lot about our relationship from her, but how could I even bring up the little discussion that we had, without blushing about what happened after that..!? HA! And Chan said that I was the emotionless one... That was what he implied right..?

Anyway, there was also that one time when he took me to one of his 'secret places'. We kept seeing each other like we used to, after the day we had our first little discussion. But he said that he really needed some time with me, in one of his secret places. That was actually what I liked about him and about our relationship; we were both aware that keeping things to ourselves would not be the right thing to do. But we also knew that we needed some time to get things sorted out in our minds, to let the insignificant things be buried down by more significant matters, like our love for each other, or simply the fact that we needed to lift up our grades-yeah, that was as important***. And our relationship was not such that we needed time to get to know each other, we already knew each other well enough to completely trust each other, even though we would sometimes surprise each other. Obviously you cannot say you know everything about someone, and honestly, where would be the fun in knowing everything, right?

That day mom and dad (Oh yeah, he was back from his trip, I forgot to mention. But it made no great difference now did it?) had gone out to lunch, while I was out with Chanyeol at his little secret place, which was actually just a kid's playground. I was guessing that he must have fond memories of that place; and me too by he way, as that was the place where we both used to play when we were little. Ah... the good old days...! What I would not give to relive those moments again...! I reckoned that he, too, was thinking of the same thing. Thankfully, it was Thursday and that meant that there would be barely any kid there! Which ALSO meant that we could play like 10-year old kids without anyone looking at us as if we were lunatics who have escaped from a mental asylum!! That was going to be awesome!! However, my happiness-our happiness rather, was short-lived as upon reaching there, we found 2 buses in the parking lot. We were not going to be behind closed doors after all. Ah, such a shame, I thought.

"Hmm.. seems like some kids are on an outing here. Ah, and here I thought that we would be having the playground for ourselves..!"

"EXACTLY MY THOUGHT!! Ahh it's such a shame!!" I whined, actually like an extrovert 10-year old.

Oh and anyway, they would not be here for long so we would have the time to have some fun too..! We walked through the entrance and memories of oh-so-precious childhood came flooding my mind! And I was certain that Chanyeol was thinking about those moments too. If only the kids would go already...! The swings were tempting me SO DAMN much! Oh the slide was surely not as long as it seemed before, but sure brought back memories. Once Chanyeol and I were sliding down one after the other, with me in front. Even though we had done it many times before, that time Chanyeol had hit me in the head with his feet and at the exit, I had glided over almost half a metre before falling on my butt! HAHAHAHA!!! I had shed some tears obviously, but it was really funny so that I had laughed afterwards. And witnessing and hearing Chanyeol who was laughing like a maniac was just too comical to not laugh!!

"Hey remember that time when you went flying while swinging!?!? HAHAHAHA!!! That was one sight to behold!"

"Yeah yeah. Mock all you want. I really went high up though! HAHAHAHA!"

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