For You I Care (1)

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Finally the holidays came-Wait! I sound like a little kid. At this point in my life, the holidays did not make much difference from normal school days. Okay, yeah, besides the fact that there were less written work to be done. But they were replaced by more household chores, which were more of a pain than writing on a piece of paper, if you ask me... hehehe...

My holiday just passed by as usual: playing with Chanyeol and somehow spending the whole day with him...! Why did time have to run like Usain Bolt after the gold medal, every SINGLE time that I am doing something fun!?!? WHY!? What did I do to deserve this!? I surely am not the only one who noticed that... right....!? Anyway, time flew especially quickly when I was with him...! It was like I could count how many songs we played, I could describe in detail how our day went, and I would still find nothing time-consuming that we did!! Of course, there were days when we went out...Ahh yes. We had gone through the roller-coaster of emotions many a time, but there was that one day, I felt that loop particularly well, if you know where I am getting at... hehehe...

I was getting ready leave the house. Chanyeol had told me beforehand that we would go visit a particular Nature Park, found in the suburbs of the town. So I was packing lunch and soon, I felt my phone vibrate.

"I am in front of your house already!! Where are you!?"

"Yeah yeah I am coming-Wait wait mom's saying something.."

"Wait... Take an umbrella with you. It may rain. Hey, I am not sure about this. I don't think it is right for you guys to go out-"

"Mom, not now. I have to go. Byee! Chanyeol wait for me!" I shouted on the phone.

"Yeah no need to shout you deaf old hag!"

With this, I cut the call and ran to join him in his jeep.

"Took you long enough, old hag!"

"Hey! I had troubles sleeping at night! A big cockroach visited me and I have not been able to sleep pea-"

"Okay okay! You chatterbox! Get in!"

Okay, yeah. He is like that when he is excited so... I am used to it. I jumped in and we both rode to the Nature Park. We put on some EDM (Electronic Dance Music) and I have to admit, riding at almost 100 km/h with music playing aloud in the speakers was one among the best feelings ever!!! We would be singing and 'dancing' like mad!!! It was as if we had wings and flew in our own world, carefree of what the others' thoughts about us, carefree of their opinions about our taste in music..!!!

After what seemed like a short ride, (I told you guys! Each time I am having fun, time just HAS to accelerate!) we reached our destination. Really, I loved outings in nature parks and reserves! And with Chanyeol, it was much more fun! Simply because he liked to venture in unexplored areas, just like I do!! And since we were alone, no one would would be hindering us in our 'discovery'- really, I do talk like a little kid! No wonder I have communication problems..!

"You ready!? Let's start our quest!"

And thankfully, I was not the only kid between us. He was telling me that the last time he came here, he found a hidden path- well, not actually hidden, but it deviated from the main route- and since he was accompanied by his parents then, he dared not go there without warning them. And telling and convincing them to go with him was like talking to a wall. In the end, all the parents would do the same. I wonder what were they SO scared of all the time...! And since then, he had been planning on coming back and taking that route. Of course, he was too afraid of going alone, so he brought me with him. I was just as excited as he was!!

"Stay by my side, okay? You are so little that I would have troubles finding you among the pebbles on the ground... Hahahaha!"

"Ha ha ha. Mock me all you want but I will be the one having troubles finding you among those tall trees..! Hahahaha!!"

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