eight ; the truth is buried down below

Start from the beginning

His tone displayed just how angry he was. "Melody you are not fine. You're living with two vampires, just helped with a murder which I quite frankly don't care about, pissed off a doppel-whatever, and helped a newbie vampire who could potentially kill you at any moment. I'd rather you not die."

The fairytale woman sighed, laying her head in her hands. "Dad, I promise I'm fine. But I know no matter what I say is going to change your mind—"


"—but it is dangerous here. And you have Felix and Alec. You can't just leave them." Melody was afraid that if Pan were to come to town, Katherine would go after him. Even though she knew he could take care of himself, the doppelganger had proved that she was always three steps ahead. What if her dad paid the price?

Pan scoffed as if it was an insult. "I'll bring Felix with me but I'm sure Regina has no problem taking care of Alec while we're gone." She could practically see him glaring at her adoptive mother as if daring her to argue with him. There was no objection on the other line so she must have agreed though she doubted it.

"Yeah, but what about Kathrine. She's always three steps ahead of the game, dad. She could hurt you or Felix."

It didn't seem like she was getting through to him because Melody could hear Pan already packing his bags. "All the more reason why we should come. We could help."

"What about mom, Killian—"


"—Emma and the others."

The two enemies had still clashed with each other through the years before Melody left. Sure, they didn't try and kill each other for her sake, but that didn't stop the threats. And she knew that the two former Neverland inhabitants would always hate each other.

"Screw them."

Melody rolled her eyes playfully. "I meant, what if they want to come and visit too?"

"They can't. They got kids to take care of."

She sighed and looked over at the spot Damon had been in but she realized that he was no longer in the room. He probably ran away. The woman rubbed her forehead, thinking about how her dad wouldn't bother to listen to her. "Alright fine. Just call me when you guys get here."

You could practically hear his victorious smirk on the other line. "Will do," he agreed. "Love you."

"I love you too. Tell Felix and Alec I said hi and that I love them too."

They hung up and she let out a frustrated groan, smacking her phone down on the counter. She couldn't even go anywhere without him going into protective dad mode. It was annoying.

"You should've fought harder," Damon suggested, now in the room again.

Melody looked at him with a tired look, pressing both of her hands against the counter. "Trust me, him and I could go on for hours. And by the time we'd finish, he'd already be here enjoying the way you scream as he rips your shadow from your body." She tried to think when they would get here, how long it would take. But without them having the kids, it wouldn't take them very long.

"You guys are just alike," Damon mused, shivering at her words, somehow he knew that the immortal leader wasn't joking.

Melody shook her head, smiling as she remembered the times that they were called siblings rather than father an daughter. "We are."

✓ 2. | FIX HER ➸ KLAUS MIKAELSONWhere stories live. Discover now