"That was awesome. I wish Jon was here to see that" Izzy says. "Where is he," I ask. "I don't know. He or Luke hasn't shown up yet" mom says. "That's weird," Alice says. "Well, I've got to go shower," I say. "Me too. Let us know if they get here" Alice says. We both walk through the doors and go up to our bedrooms.

"You know that used to be my old bedroom," I say. "Really? I can move if you want me to" she says. "Nah. Don't worry about it. I've got jaces old room anyway. I will see you later. I really need to shower" I say. She goes into her room and I go down a few doors to my room.

I see Grace fast asleep. I am really quiet as I grab some clothes to change into and go into the bathroom. I don't want to wake her up. I get in the shower and the hot water feels so good. I use the new body wash I have that smells like apples. I scrub myself down good and shave my legs.

I feel good and clean when I get out of the shower. I change into some clean clothes and ring out my hair. When I leave the bathroom I see Grace is awake. She is busy playing with her feet. I can't help but smile and pick her up. "Hello, my princess" I coo.

I leave the room with her and find the others all being lazy in the library. I see Logan sitting on Jems lap playing with his giraffe. Grace sees Alec and reaches for him. "Alec, someone wants you," I say. He reaches his arms out and I pass Grace to him. "It's like she's attached to you," I say. She grabs on to his thumb. "She is," he says.

"Did she wake up during the night?" Maryse asks me. "Once," I say. "Well good. Maybe she will be a good sleeper" she says. "I don't know. I hope so" I say.

Tessa walks in with a box and Jace gets up and goes over to her. He talks quietly with her for a minute before coming back to me still holding the box.

Luke and Jonathan come in a few minutes later. "What took you guys so long to get here," Alice asks. "This" Luke says lifting a big box in his hands a little. "What's in the box," I ask. "A present for you, Grace, and Jace. I know Grace won't be able to use them yet but the present is for all of you" Luke says. He hands me the big cardboard box. I set it on my lap. "Well open it," Izzy says anxiously. I take the lid off the box and gasp.

"What's in the box," she asks. I see two puppies. I take the black one out first. It has two things on its ears and a short little tail. I set him on the floor. I pull out the second puppy. It is black and white. It's so cute. This one is absolutely huge.

"Luke! I told you they don't need another puppy. You thought about getting one and you got two" mom says. I can tell she isn't happy. The two puppies start walking around taking in everything and everyone around them. "But look at her Jocelyn" Luke says as he picks up the white one with black spots and patches.

"It's a girl," I ask. "The Great Dane is a girl and the Doberman is a boy," Luke says. "How do you know which one's which," Jace asks. "The Great Dane is the one I'm holding that's white and black. The Doberman is the black one right there" Luke answers. The Doberman is in front of Jem and Logan. He barks and it's a small bark and it's so cute. "Puppy," Logan says excitedly. He jumps down from his dad's lap leaving his toy on the chair. He starts walking towards the puppy.

"These are the cutest puppies ever," Izzy says. She takes the girl from Luke. "You are so stinking cute," she says to the puppy. She licks Izzy's face. "How old are they," Jace asks. "The Great Dane is 8 months and the Doberman is 4 months old," Luke says. "This is the biggest 8-Month-old puppy I have ever seen," I say. Izzy sets her down and she walks over to me. She sniffs me and I pet her. "She already knows not to bite or nip but the Doberman is harder to teach. He's stubborn" Luke says. "This is awesome. Thanks, Luke" I say. Jace pets her too. She looks at him curiously.

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