A sleeping clary

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Jace POV
"Clary," I say. I get no response. "Chrissie is she gone," I ask. She walks over to me and licks my hand. She looks at up at me. I guess that means yes. "We should probably give clary some time as she said. We can come back up later in a few hours" Jonathan says. "I guess we should. I just don't want her to wake up and nobody be here" I say. "I'm sure she would let us know if she manages to fight everything off in so little time. Remember what Magnus said, it could be a few hours or a few days we just have to give her time. She can do it. I know she can" he says. I nod and stand up. He does too. We leave our bedroom.
Charlotte and Alice see us. "Is she okay?" they both ask at the same time. "Yeah. The Seelie queen just gave her something really strong to knock her out. She could be out for a while" I say. "We will both go up every few hours to check on her though," Jonathan says. "What about the baby," Alice asks. "We are not sure. Magnus said he could feel her heartbeat but he doesn't know anything else. Whatever clary was given was strong but hadn't reached Grace yet we don't think" I say. They both let out a breath of relief. "Well good," Charlotte says. She goes one way down the hall and I leave the other.

Jonathan POV
As soon as Jace and Charlotte leave, Alice jumps in my arms. I return the hug. "I'm so glad you are okay," she says. "Me too. I didn't know what would happen when the Seelie queen saw me or even Isabelle and Alec. I managed not to die" I say. She let's go and look at me. "That's because you had king Jace with you." I smile. "True."
"I also know something you don't," I say. "And what is that? I know a lot of things" she says. "I know you do. I know when we are going to go to New York though" I say smirking. "When? I have been wanting to know" she says. "Jace said January 7th." "I can't wait. We don't have long. Its December 13th right now. I've always wanted to go to New York. What's better is I get to spend it all with you" she says. "I know. I'm excited too. I'm not staying the night at the institute with the rest of you though" I say. "What? Why not? I thought you were" she says disappointed. " I know. I would but Isabelle and Alec hate me. I understand why though. Its because Sebastian killed their little brother. It's best if I keep my distance." "That's probably a good idea. Where will you stay then?" "Clary and I have already set it up. I am going to stay with our mom in New York. She doesn't live at the institute, so I will be able to keep my distance" I say. "But will I still see you," she asks. I see the worry in her eyes. "Yeah. I will still come to the institute to see you all. I will just sleep at Mom's house. I will go over to the institute when they do" I say. "I want to go with you. I want to be where you are" she says. "Alice, as much as I want you to, you know you can't," I say. I look into her big blue eyes. She puts her hands on her hips. "And why can't I," she says. "Because you know you need to be there when for the baby comes. If you aren't and they need you, I will feel like it's my fault." "I know," she says.
"Jonathan" I hear clarys voice say. "Clary," I ask. "Clary? Jon, your sister isn't here. She's upstairs fighting off what the queen gave her. She's asleep" Alice says. "No, I know that. What is it, Clary?" I ask. Alice looks at me like I'm crazy. "Jonathan I am having trouble breathing. I managed to protect it from Grace but it went to my chest and stopped in my lungs and heart. I need you to help" I hear clary say. I look at Alice. "I'm sorry. I have to go. I will see you later I promise" I say. "So you are leaving me," she asks. "I have to. I'm sorry. I have to go now" I say. She rolls her eyes.
I turn and run down the hall to where the stairs are that lead to her room. I stop at the bottom of them and lookup. "Jonathan we don't have much time. I am having trouble breathing now just talking to you like this. We have to go, now" she says urgently. "Why did you choose to get me? You could have gotten Jace" I say. "You are the first one I saw. You were the closest to the bedroom. We have to go now. We don't have much time" I hear her say. I nod and run up the stairs. When I open the door I see clays chest struggling to breathe. "What do I need to do," I ask. "Try pushing on my chest to try to free it. If that doesn't work try something else" she says. "Like what," I ask. I don't get a response so I guess she went back inside her body. I go up to her. "I'm sorry if I hurt you clary" I mumble. I push hard on her chest to try and free it of whatever is stopping her from breathing. She starts breathing normally again. I let out a breath of relief I didn't know I was holding. "Oh, clary don't scare me like that. You need to be careful but still fight against it" I say. She just keeps sleeping and looking normal for the state she's in now. I turn and walk out. Before I close the door I hear "thank you Jonathan" in my head. I smile and close it.
I would do anything for my sister even if it means hurting the one girl I have fallen in love with, and the one girl who other than my family who loves me for me and doesn't care about the whole Sebastian thing. I mean she knows all about it, at least I think she does, but she hasn't mentioned it.
I see Alice in the hall. "I'm sorry I left you. There was something I really had to do though" I say. "And what was so important you had to leave me? Am I not important to you?" "What? No, of course, you are important to me. I just knew somehow Clary needed me. It's hard to explain but I just knew. I care about you so much Alice." She nods. "Alice, come with me to my room. I have something I really want to ask you" I say. She comes with me to my room.
"What's this about Jonathan," she asks. I shut the bedroom door. "Alice, do you know about the whole Sebastian thing," I ask her. I go to sit on the bed. She sits across from me. She looks down. "I do. I don't care about that though. You have changed. You're not him anymore Jonathan. You are Jonathan Christopher Morganstern. That whole Sebastian thing, that was not your fault either, it was all Valentine's. I have looked past all of it." I don't say anything for a while. "So, you don't care about everything that he had done? Even though it was me who did it?" "It wasn't you. It was Sebastian. It was the demon blood. It was all valentine. I do care, but its all in the past. I know there were some things that he did that I may not know about that I probably don't want to. I have looked past it all. I have been able to see the real you. The one without the demon blood who loves and cares for his family and the people he loves. I love this you Jonathan, the one standing in front of me. The one with the beautiful green eyes and white-blond hair." "I love you, Alice. More than anything I do. You know it would be almost impossible for us to be together" I say. "Is it really true that shadowhunters can't be in love with a mundane?" she asks. "It is. Unless you decided to become a shadowhunter and drank from the mortal cup and made it through ascension. Ascension is dangerous though. You could die and I don't want to take that risk" I say. She just looks at me with her pretty blue eyes. "But isn't there anything you can do?" she asks. "Not that I know of. That rule has been around since shadowhunters have started existing. Even Clary and Jace won't be able to break that rule. I could also give up being a Shadowhunter" I say. "I would never ask you to do that," she says sounding shocked that I would even suggest it. "It's not a big part of my life. I have only been back alive for almost 2 months and only been demon hunting with Jace twice. Don't get me wrong I loved it but it's not my life like it is all other shadowhunters." She nods.

"Did you tell anyone about us?" she asks. "Only clary. She was excited actually. She already could tell I liked you. She didn't know about you. She was the one who told me to talk to you and tell you that I liked you. As far as I know not even Jace knows." "Oh. I didn't know she knew. I'm surprised she was okay with it. I mean I'm a servant and you are the queens' brother." "I was surprised too. Have you told anyone" I ask? "No. I have kept us a secret. Even from Charlotte and Oliver who are my best friends. I guess I could tell them but I don't know how they would react to it all. I never thought you'd love me or even like me. I never thought you'd see me any more than your sisters' main servant" she says. "At first it took me a while to get used to the castle and seeing everyone. And having servants. When you first came into my room you were nice to me. You didn't treat me badly like anyone else would." "That's because your sister told me to. She told me you were alive. At first, I didn't know what to think. She told me you would need clothes to have since you would be living here from now on. I went and got them. When I was walking to your room clary and Jace walked out of your room. She was smiling and looked happy. When I got outside your door I hesitated before going in. When I got in and saw you I wasn't scared. I mean I was slightly but I'm not anymore." "I was too. I wasn't expecting someone like you." "What do you mean by that," she asks. "I mean I was expecting a small girl in scrubs and not as pretty as you are. When you came in you were dressed in a short faded pink dress, not like clary wears but still pretty. Your hair was half up. When you saw me you put everything away without saying a word. I just watched you. I thought you were one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. When you finished you turned and just looked at me. You game me a small sweet smile. Then you walked out without a word." "How do you remember exactly what I looked like? That was a while ago. I don't even remember all of that" she says. "I just do," I say. "Uh-huh that's not vague at all," she says.

She looks over and out of the window. "I need to go make sure the dinner is ready and set it out for you two. I will see you later Jonathan" she says. She stands up. She bends down and gives me a kiss on the cheek before walking out.

I wait a while then leave the room. "There you are," I hear Jace say from behind me, "let's go to dinner then we can go back to clary." With that, we both go to the dining hall.
I fill up my plate and look at Jace. "There's something I should probably tell you," I say. I'm not ready to face Jace about Alice, so I will just tell him about clary. He just looks at me. "When I was in the hall at the bottom of the stairs talking to Alice and I heard clary say my name." "Out loud," he asks. "No, in my head like last time. She told me she was having trouble breathing. She said she needed help. She said the virus had gotten trapped in her lungs and heart keeping her from breathing. I fixed the problem." "Why didn't she come to get me," he asks sounding jealous. "She said she would have but I was the first person she saw." He nods and we both eat.
"My hand still hurts from where she slapped it," I say after a while. "Mine too. Even now I'm afraid to touch it even though she's not here. She could be here right now and we would never know" he says. I hear clarys laugh in my head. "Oh, I know. Good, maybe you learned your lesson. I can't stay in here long since this is far from the bedroom and where my body is. I just came to check on you both. Come see me when you finish eating. I have to go back now. See you soon." Then we don't hear her voice anymore. "Okay, we have to stay as far away from her cinnamon rolls as possible since we know she can come down here. I don't want her coming after me when she eventually wakes up" I say. "Agreed. I love her but she scares me sometimes" Jace says. I laugh and finish my food. "Me too Jace. She scares me too." "Let's go see her," he says. We both stand up and leave the dining hall.

"Clary," I ask when Jace closes the bedroom door behind us. "I'm here. I managed to spread it all out and separate it all. I may even wake up at some point tomorrow. I'm not sure since I have to get rid of it all but I will try" she says. "I wish there was something we could do to help," Jace says. "I know you do. I have to fight this on my own. I promise to try." "I wish we could see you," I say. "I know. For now, you just have me on the bed. It was really hard for me to go down to the dining hall, so, for now, I will just have to stay in here" she says. "Where are you," Jace asks. "Standing next to the fireplace," she says. I and Jace both go sit on the sofa across the fireplace. "We both miss you," I say. "I know. I wish I could be with you both right now. I wish you could see me in front of you. I love you both" she says. We both smile. "We love you too" I and Jace stay at the same time.
We spend time talking to clary and listening to her. "Well, I am going to bed. Goodnight guys" I say. I hear them both tell me goodnight. I leave the bedroom.

Clary POV

"Is Grace okay?" I ask Jace. "We don't know. When Magnus checked on you after we brought you back he said that whatever the queen had given you hadn't reached her yet" Jace says. "Good. I spread it all out so it's all over my body separated. I will try to destroy it all tonight and tomorrow. I've been trying my best to keep it away from her" I say and he nods. I go sit next to his right. "I'm sitting next to you now." He looks to his left. "Your right," I say. He looks at me but I know he can't see me. "I miss you," he says. "I know. I wish I could be with you. I wish you could see me. I love you" I say. "I love you too," he says. "I will stay up with you until you go to sleep. Then I will go back and try to destroy this horrible virus she gave me" I say. "Can't you just go back to your body and wake up for a little while just so I can hear your voice out loud even for a minute?" He asks. I shake my head but then I realize he can't see me. "No," I say instead, "I wish I could. The virus has taken over everything. It has completely taken over. I have been trying my best. You will just have to wait for me to fix it and kill it off. You will just have to hear me like this" I say. he looks sad and disappointed. "I know Jace, I know."

"I'm Going to go get ready for bed, will you wait for me by my side of the bed," He asks. "Yeah. Go ahead" I say. He goes into the closet and disappears for a while. I go sit on the edge of his side of our huge bed. When he comes out he is in a pair of blue and white pajama pants and a plain white shirt. I move and he sits on his side. I climb onto his lap. "I will stay with you until you fall asleep," I say. "You sound closer than usual," He says. I giggle then say "That's probably because I'm sitting on your lap." He just smirks. I roll my eyes. "And doing what," he asks. "Well, I just rolled my eyes. If you mean what am I doing, I am just sitting here looking at you." "And do I look the same as always," He asks. "No," I say. "What?" He says sounding hurt. "I'm Just kidding. You are as beautiful as always Jace Herondale." He smiles. He yawns. "Go on to bed. I love you" I say. I get off of his lap. "I love you too clary," he says and lies down. He opens his wings. I kiss his cheek and he closes his eyes. I stay next to him until I know he's fast asleep.

I go over to where my body lays next to him. I get back inside and try to fight off this virus the best I can.

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