Chapter 41

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A/n Just a quick note: Thanks guys soo much for all the support especially from internallyxscreaming! And chapter 1 has over 100 reads! Unfortunate that's it's the most rubbish chapter but... TYSM! Also, if you have any story ideas I can do in further chapters, comment down below!

Lizzie proceeds with her next lesson and break finally comes..

Yammy's POV

Hm= (on speakers) Please could Yammy report to the office.

Yammy is taken to Mr Darren's office and is interrogated.

Hm= Did you see Lizzie put anything in your drink?

Y= Um I.. Uh I

Hm= Did she seem suspicious?

Y= Ummm I really just um...

Hm= Did she do anything to you!?

Y= Uhhhh... Uhhhhh


Y= I don't know! Maybe she was suspicious! (Feels an urge of sickness)

Hm= Did she do anything to your drink!

Y= Probably! We aren't the bestest of friends! Who knows what she could have done. (Starts sweating)

Hm= So you think she's not innocent?

Y= Um ye not innocent we'll go with that.. (Feels liquid coming up throat)

Hm= Right. With a witness and confirmation, Lizzie is outnumbered! I shall kick her out for good!

Y= That's just perfe- (Vomits)

Hm= Someone! Take her to the blummin nurses!

Lizzie's POV

Lizzie meets up with Joel on the field and walks around with him, Joel's hand holding hers with passion. Lizzie tells him everything that happened, from the garden to Tia.

J= Wow. So Tia is the new Mia...

L= Yep. And now I've apparently done something wrong. All I did was try to help a friend.

J= I'll go and tell Kyle about the pregnancy...

L= Nonononono!

J= Yes. It'll be fine!

L= Joel please don't! (puppy eyes)

J= Lizzie. No. I'm telling him. He deserves to know!

L= Fine. Go and tell him then (rolls eyes)

J= Lizzie, it's ok. (Kisses on cheek) I'll make sure everything goes fine.

L= Okay. See you at lunch. (Smiles)

Break ends, and hundreds of students fill the hallways, gathering their bags for the next lesson. Suddenly, Mr Darren spies Lizzie.

Hm= LIZZIE! On my command, you are to leave the premises immediately. You are excluded for 3 months. Get your things and leave!

L= Wait. What?!

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