Spark - Epilogue

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This is officially the last update for this story!!! Eek I'm so emotional idk y😂 I spent my morning re reading my story. Some parts were cringy, well most of it was but I've come so far and this book has been somewhere I can just write and relax throughout this year. Yes, there's been many spelling mistakes that I haven't proof-read like dairy instead of diary and mist instead of must. However, there's been many amazing supporters, commenting, following me, voting for the chapters. I didn't think I'd ever get over 30k views, 1.5k have read the first chapter! Over time, the chapters have been getting longer so it takes ages to read this story in one go. That's what I did this morning and I checked the comments (most of them) to write down everyone who's helped me even just a tiny bit along the way - a big thank you to everyone 💕 I was originally going to tag everyone but some tags wouldn't work and people would've been left out. So just thank you for being great supporters! Warning: You might not like how the story ended at all, as this is the saddest chapter. Good luck reading it, I love you guys ❤️

1 year later...

*knock knock knock*

Lizzie opened the door showing welcome immediately, and invited the caller in. It was Lacy!  They hugged and shared a warm embrace. They met a couple months before and bumped into each other in the streets. Lacy and Lizzie became close friends again. It was Lacy's 19th birthday a couple days ago and she had visited to see Lizzie's children.

Lacy still had gorgeous long locks and big blue eyes, but she was even more beautiful than when she was younger.

La= Now where's baby version of me? (Giggles)

Lizzie pointed out of the window towards her 1-year-old child. She was sitting curiously, surrounded by long, luscious grass. Her tiny fingers were twiddling with a dandelion and her wisps of chocolate-brown hair breezed with the cool wind. She was sat under a giant blossom tree which Lizzie and Joel had grown in the garden. Behind little Lacy, was Justin playfully jumping in a small bit filled with rainbow colours. His giggles brightened the day.

La= Awww aren't they adorable?

Justin had dark blonde hair, which was growing crazily on top of his head. He had glistening green eyes which sparkled in the sunlight.

La= So where's lover boy you once complained to me about eh?

L= (laughs) Just in here..

Lizzie led Lacy towards a new little room which had been built over the winter. Inside was a blue cot and many toys and teddies. Joel was hovering over the cot, making funny noises.

The two walked closer and saw who Joel was playing with...

La= You had another child? I didn't know about this!

Joel turned around and smiled.

J= Not many people know

Lacy peered inside. A cute small baby boy was shaking a mini rattle and giggling as Joel tickled his stomach.

La= Awww what's his name?

L= Kieran. (Smiles)

La= Can I hold him?!

J= Sure, be careful though he's tiny

Lacy slowly rocks Kieran and he starts falling asleep in her arms. His dark-brown eyes closed...

L= Back in his cot before he gets too comfortable!

While Lacy puts him back, Joel stares at her in awe.

J= Aren't you just a natural with kids?

La= Well I did live in a care home full of em! Once I turned 18, I left with Tom, Lizzie probably remembers him, We've bought a place together!

Jizzie ~ SparkWhere stories live. Discover now